The Political Revolution Endorses Keith Ellison for DNC Chair

The Digital Left
Voices of the Revolution
2 min readNov 14, 2016


By Harpreet Chima

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) announced his candidacy for chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) today. Ellison has an impressive record fighting for the rights of working Americans, and four different Senators — Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, and Harry Reid — have already endorsed him for the position.

The DNC chair acts as the leader of the Democratic Party when the party doesn’t hold the Presidency and the position is one of the most powerful in American politics. As chair, Ellison would lead the party in organizing, fundraising, and crafting the party platform. Ellison’s appointment would signal a significant shift toward the more progressive politics popularized by Bernie Sanders in his primary campaign.

Ellison is uniquely qualified for the role. As co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus that Bernie Sanders founded, Ellison has the leadership and experience to implement the current Democratic platform, widely considered to be one of the most progressive in Democratic history.

Perhaps no issue has divided the Democratic Party more than the role of money in politics. Until Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign, Democratic candidates regularly accepted money from large corporations and wealthy donors. Sanders changed that model by funding his campaign exclusively through small donations. Ellison, an early supporter of Sanders, has endorsed this model and his appointment to the DNC would bring new scrutiny to the big money politics of past chairs. At a time when many fear that money has corrupted the Democratic Party, Ellison offers hope of a party returned to the people.

Ellison is no stranger to defending working people. His Minnesota district covers areas of extreme poverty and extreme wealth. Despite the challenges of representing such diverse interests, Ellison has consistently supported a strong progressive agenda. His anti-poverty work and pro-labor voting record prove that he puts working Americans first.

In Congress, Ellison and Sanders have often introduced legislation together, including bills to end fossil fuel subsidies, ban private prisons, and raise the minimum wage. Other goals on Ellison’s legislative agenda include protecting and expanding voter rights, opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and making college debt-free. As a member of the House Financial Services Committee, Ellison has worked to regulate subprime loan lenders and prevent banks from foreclosing on homeowners.

Despite his qualifications, Ellison faces challengers also vying for the DNC chair position. Several names have been suggested, but no other candidate proposed thus far can compete with Ellison’s progressive record. Only Ellison has the vision and foresight to take on the lobbyists and billionaires that want to keep the Democratic Party beholden to corporations rather than people.

Please voice support for Ellison by joining the Facebook page Keith for DNC and signing the petition to appoint Ellison as DNC Chair.

In Solidarity,

The Political Revolution



The Digital Left
Voices of the Revolution

A nation will not survive morally or economically when so few have so much and so many have so little. -Bernie Sanders