The startup taking the planet’s pulse

Richard Johnson
Published in
1 min readDec 23, 2016

Robbie Schingler on why the planet needs Space.

Who: Robbie Schingler is the Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Planet.

What’s the story?

Planet operates the largest constellation of Earth-imaging satellites…ever. Their mission is to image the entire Earth every day. The exiting part is what we then do with that information. The applications of this data to make better decisions in areas as diverse as agriculture and natural resources extraction to humanitarian aid and construction are just being discovered.

What’s the big challenge ahead?

Planet promises to uncover untold insights into how business impacts the planet. Businesses, investors, regulators and customers will be unprepared for this new level of planetary management.

For the insights to reach their true potential they must also be shared. It will take companies eager to embrace radical-transparency to enable Planet to become a system-value management tool.

