Trust me — this changes everything

John Elkington
Published in
1 min readDec 2, 2016

Rachel Botsman on the new economic model that changes everything

Who: Rachel Botsman is a leading authority on Collaborative Consumption.

What’s the story?

Her book, What’s Mine is Yours: How Collaborative Consumption is Changing the Way We Live, was heralded by Time as encapsulating one of the ’10 Ideas that Will Change the World’.

What’s driving change?

We need a new economic system to harness idling capacity and unused assets, whehther in the form of space, physical stuff or capital — linking the “’needs’ with the ‘haves’”.

The good news: that’s where Collaborative Consumption is taking us. A key catalyst: the cell phone, helping us locate needed assets products in real time.

What’s the big challenge ahead?

“We’re still on Day 1,” says Botsman. Now to maximize the benefits across social, economic and environmental forms of value, expanding access to good and services — and ultimately transforming communities and cities.

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John Elkington

Co-founder, Environmental Data Services ('78), SustainAbility ('87), Volans ('08). Author 19 books. Blogs @