Behavioral psychology for a better world.

Kyle Ueckermann


“… we could use the behavioral psychology used by app developers and we can use the reward system that we know we already have and instead of applying it to, come back to my website … , you could apply it to doing a good thing that benefits people in the read world.” — Trace Dominguez at Seeker

In a recent video published by Youtube channel, Seeker, Trace Dominguez touches on the idea of using technology and our ever increasing knowledge of human behavior to train humanity to do good.

At Vollar we have been pleasantly surprised at how open people are to receiving rewards for doing good, even if that good is volunteer work. In fact they were not only open to it… they felt it was necessary in order to make real change in society. It might sound terrible that as humans we need to be incentivized to do volunteer work, but we believe it’s important to meet people where they are and help develop good behavior from that point. If you don’t meet people where they are, you may find yourself pushing against a brick wall attempting to fulfill your mission.

It’s not only us who are harnessing these powerful ideas for good, take a look at insurance giant Discovery and their Vitality program. By offering incentives for good driving, eating healthy, and going to the gym, they are not only increasing their profits, but are creating a healthier and safer society.

When it’s not only used to keep us addicted to our phones, behavioral psychology is not all that bad. It’s our responsibility as users and clients to start expecting this kind of social responsibility, and more, from the companies we support.

At Vollar we believe in using behavioral psychology for good. Find out more about Vollar at



Kyle Ueckermann
Editor for

Passionate about people and passionate about technology, with these I’m striving to build a better world.