A currency for good.

Kyle Ueckermann
2 min readMar 21, 2018


At 21 years old Kyle was building a faith community among the poor and homeless of Pretoria East. Every Sunday he would hold a meeting in a field next to one of South Africa’s largest shopping malls. This abandoned field wasn’t anything like a church or temple… it was dirty, dry and dusty.

Every week Kyle and a few spiritual seekers would sit under the trees, open the Bible and discuss how these ancient writings were applicable to their lives, ignoring the regular fights that would break out around them or the local drug dealer doing his rounds.

Over time Kyle befriended Maurice (image on the right), a refugee from Zimbabwe. Maurice was a painter by trade but was unable to find stable work, making every day a battle to meet his most basic needs.

One afternoon, completely hopeless for his future, Maurice turned to Kyle and said, “Kyle, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Feeling powerless to make any long term difference in his friend’s life, Kyle made a promise to Maurice, “I will find a way to help you.”

With deep conviction, Kyle committed himself to fulfil this promise, not just to Maurice, but everything Maurice represents… The billions of people just like him hopelessly trapped in poverty with no way to pull themselves out.

Over the next 6 years, Kyle co-founded a technology company in Europe and the USA, dedicated to helping volunteers better meet the needs of their communities. This sparked a crazy idea that he believed could change the world and fulfil the promise he made to Maurice all those years before…

Read more about Vollar at vollar.org



Kyle Ueckermann
Editor for

Passionate about people and passionate about technology, with these I’m striving to build a better world.