This is how it began

How Ria Became Part of a New Community

A Volley Member’s Story

Ria Riaz
Volley Posts
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2014


“The universe isn’t made up of atoms, it is made of tiny stories.” or so goes the saying, well, at least on Pinterest! but my Volley story really is a collection of stories.

I work at Bitmaker Labs as the resident community manager and often times students or bitmakers, as they are better known as, tell me about interesting startups in and around the city.

We were talking about the importance of social media and branding yourself and one of the girls, Alessia, told me about a social network I had to be on. I was a little skeptical at first because come on there is a new social media platform touting to be the very best every other day but that’s what is different about Volley, they don’t claim to be the best they simply want you to help your contacts and get you introduced to theirs.

The very next day, the lovely Danielle from Volley attended an event at Bitmaker Labs and handed me a card, I had no idea what it was but squealed when I saw what was inside! (See above)

It was a personal invite to join Volley! Somehow the universe knew and Alessia hadn’t even spoken to Danielle about inviting me!

Since I have joined Volley, they have gone through a number of iterations to make it more user friendly, the design has become more responsive and all in all there have been amazing changes. What I love most is that they are very receptive to feedback and are always improving.

I’ve met some incredible people in the startup community, who are now part of my network. I’ve given a guest lecture, an opportunity I found through Volley, and I am helping out others on a daily basis and THAT my friends, feels good.

Ariel Garten, CEO and Co-Founder of InteraXon, in a recent talk said, “Support one another and create an ecosystem” because that is what is going to put Toronto as a whole on the path of generating successful startups.

So keep helping and keep volleying!

Volley is a community of developers, designers and entrepreneurs helping each other build better things. Join us here.



Ria Riaz
Volley Posts

I do things @rightsleeve, @vinettaproject, @womenwhocodeTO. UofT @iSchool_TO alumnus.LSE alumnus. I read. Tech + tea = love. writer.