Sharing volograms = immersive messaging + co-creation!

Volu’s brand-new feature that enables the sharing of volograms headlines the list of improvements in the app’s latest update, probably the most important to date!

4 min readApr 14, 2022


Many of you use Volu to create masterpieces in AR that hundreds of thousands enjoy on social media and other platforms. So far, all this is created by “playing” volograms that you captured yourself — please note that “play” in our jargon means visualising a vologram in your own space (in AR), adding superpowers to it, and recording all sorts of crazy videos. Now imagine that you could also share the vologram itself with your friends! Wouldn’t possibilities be endless?

(dramatic pause)

Stop imagining! It’s up and running now! 🎉

Stay connected with anyone, anywhere.

How does it work?

Easy! With the latest version of Volu, you will find a new element on the top right corner of your vologram preview screen: the sharing icon. Once you tap on it, you will be able to see your list of friends and simply select the ones you want to share with. Once you do this, they will be able to see your vologram in their own list and “play” it as well! Please note: if at some point you change your mind, you can simply change the selection of friends that have access to that vologram.

How to add a friend and share volograms on Volu

You may be thinking: “Wait a minute! Friends on Volu?! That’s also new!” Yes! In order to implement a safe vologram sharing feature that you can fully control, we have made it possible to find, add, accept, reject, and cancel friends on Volu. The “Friends” screen can be accessed in two ways: when sharing a vologram, tapping on “Find more friends”, or through your account “Settings”. To add new friends, simply tap on “All” and search for their usernames. Once you add them, they will receive a notification that they can confirm or reject. Once the “friendship” is confirmed, you can start sharing volograms. If things go wrong, well, you can always remove friends from your list using the same menu, although we hope you don’t need to use this much 😅

Now that we know how it works… why are we so excited about it?

(dramatic pause 2)

Because this opens some amazing possibilities:

Amazing possibility 1: Immersive messaging

Seriously, we used smoke signals to message each other! We humans are all about saying things in all ways possible! Only in the last decades, we’ve gone from postcards to emails, instant messages, posts, PMs, GIFs, memes, stickers, voice notes… now imagine that you could send your vologram to deliver the message for you!

Jedis will use this extensively in the future… you can start today!

This opens doors for a whole new dimension of communications and we can’t wait to see what people decide to tell others this way. If you ask someone out or propose this way, please send us a vologram to let us know! If your mother sends you a “happy new day!” vologram… well, that’s what immersive mothers do!

Amazing possibility 2: Co-creation

But it’s not only passively hearing what the new vologram has to tell you… you can also co-create with it! With the vologram of your friend in your smartphone, you have a tireless and portable partner to have fun creating together anytime, anywhere.

Create with your friends who live 5 steps or 5000 km away from you. Include in your celebration videos the family members who live in a different country. Long distance relationship or travelling without your loved ones? Show them that you care by including them in your stories! If you created amazing things with your own volograms, we can’t wait to see what you will do bringing your friends and family (even those far away) into your own space!

Let’s start sharing

We can’t wait to hear your feedback regarding this new feature! Please let us know what you think, how you are enjoying it and how we can improve it in future releases. Also, add “getvolu” as your friend in the app to be among the first ones to receive new, trendy volograms.

Before you leave, we wanted to ask you a question: if you can “email”, “IM”, “PM”, even “whatsapp” a friend… how would you call it when you send them a vologram? We’ve already heard a few options and can’t decide! Please add your comments below if you have a good one 👇

Ah! And don’t forget to follow us: please give us a hand 👏 and subscribe to our Medium blog (the one you are reading) or follow us (Volograms) on social media: tw, li, ig, fb. Thanks for reading!




We capture people and bring them to AR/VR. Push your immersive experiences to the next level with volumetric video!