Using volograms for live sport broadcast

Create a 3D model using one single image using Volograms AI

3 min readNov 1, 2022


Virtual production is making its way to the live TV broadcast studios: massive LED walls, interactive 3D graphics, and impressive visual effects… does it ring a bell? We are sure you have seen this in the broadcast of your favourite sport!

But if a Producer wants to integrate a real human on the stage, it ends up looking like a cardboard cut-out, and the camera operator needs to be very careful to avoid breaking the illusions. To make it more complicated: these images cannot be relight, cast shadows or interact with other elements.

Enter Volograms AI

A couple of months ago we got approached by an amazing consortium which included FOX Sports, RTÉ, Unity, HSLU, Trinity College Dublin and others, who were exploring the use of new technologies such as volumetric video in broadcast for the International Broadcasting Conventions (IBC). Could Volograms’ single-view 3D reconstruction be used to solve this issue?

Creating a 3D model using one image using Volograms AI

And it works like a charm! These images, typically captured by the teams or the association running the competition (NFL, UEFA, GAA, etc.) and then distributed to the televisions, who have little control on the capture process. Volograms AI technology allows them obtain 3D models and even volumetric video sequences, without the need of bringing all the players to a volumetric capture studio. A great solution with a very promising market! Check the project website to learn more about the project and listen to Prof Aljosa Smolic and Zac Fields, Senior Vice President Graphic Technology & Integration at Fox Sports talk about our solution.

The user studies, led by Gareth Young, showed that viewers clearly preferred the 3D models, as they improved the realism and immersiveness of the scene. Check out some of the tests RTÉ and Fox Sports did in their studios 👇

This dramatic camera movement would not be possible with a 2D billboard. Also, check out the difference below of one of our models (left) with the traditional 2D billboards used today (right). The vologram not only reacts perfectly to the camera movement without tilting, it even casts realistic shadows!

And combining the models with camera tricks, lighting effects and other 3D elements in the scene can take the broadcasting experience to whole new level!

We are very excited about the future of this technology, as it is easily applicable to all kinds of sports, images, and videos. It also opens the possibility of using the models in Augmented Reality, enabling even fan engagement use cases 🤩.

What other uses cases do you have in mind?

If you want to integrate volograms into your virtual productions, get in touch with us and we will help you bring it life! You can start by capturing your own volumetric video using Volu here. We are looking forward to see what you create!

👉 And, to stay up-to-date in all things Volograms, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.

If you want to dive deeper, watch the full presentation below:




We capture people and bring them to AR/VR. Push your immersive experiences to the next level with volumetric video!