Impressions of SDD Conference 2018

Alper Ebiçoğlu
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2018

Event date: 14th — 18th May 2018
Location: Barbican Centre | LONDON

The Software Design & Developer (SDD) Conference is one of the famous developer conferences, held at the Barbican Centre in London. The conference consists of two days of workshops and three days of in-depth technical sessions. Plenty of refreshments and snacks to keep you going, a great lunch.

We exhibited at SDD Conference and had a chance to speak with the developers from all around the world. Most of the developers were from .NET stack, so it was comfortable for us to speak about AspNet Boilerplate and AspNet Zero. We told about the benefits of the open-source AspNet Boilerplate and the production ready AspNet Zero product. Some folks have already seen us. We introduced them the new features and next plans. Some heard the products for the first time and they were very excited to start a new project with our products.

Attendees are 95% developers. And developer like gadgets. We handed out hundreds of free AspNet Zero branded Wi-Fi headphones and USB flash disks which made a good impression on the folks. Besides, we brought some really delicious handmade chocolates that some people even asked for their brand.

We had some free time to attend to some sessions. Each session was 1,5 hours long, so the presenter didn’t end cutting short his presentation! It was very hard to decide which sessions to sit in on and which to skip. Especially the talks of Scott Allen, Jimmy Bogard, Dino Esposito and Jon Skeet were super cool. Also the rest of the 40 world-class speakers very nice and very educational.

For the details of SDD Conference visit their website.
We look forward to seeing you at the next conference.
Stop by our booth and share your ideas with our lead developers.
Thanks to all speakers and attendees for making it such an enjoyable week!

Click here for the complete conference photos.

This article was originally published on Volosoft Blog.

I’m Alper Ebicoglu 🧑🏽‍💻 ABP Framework Core Team Member
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