Top Stories published by Voluble by Robin Alperstein in September of 2016

Trump Is A National Security Threat

On September 14th, when Kurt Eichenwald of Newsweek reported on the Trump Organization’s extensive business interests in regions around the world, and the potential conflicts of interests between the Trump Organization and the United States, few other news outlets…

Trump, Dominance Politics, and Impulse Control

Josh Marshall of Talkingpointsmemo had another really insightful piece over the weekend, which I missed until today. As Bill Moyers pointed out in another excellent piece (arguing that the Presidential debates are a functional charade riven by…

Blinkered and Selfish

More truth from Charles Blow on the blinkered and selfish idiocy of people who care about racial justice voting third party or not voting at all. I wish he had also made the affirmative case for Clinton on issues of racial justice, rather than just cataloguing the myriad ways in which…

Bigotry As Campaign Strategy Seems to Be Working

Great piece from Josh Marshall this morning on the latest round of birther garbage coming from the Trump campaign, Money quote:

“Birtherism is a racist smear and a lie. And yet Trump has been repeating it for literally…

Trump’s Machado Meltdown

Trump’s attacks on Alicia Machado are just like his attacks on the Khans were. They are a perfect distillation of his depravity. His treatment of them shows us exactly who and what he is — which is a person unfit for society, much less for the office of the presidency.

Clinton-Trump Debate Showdown

Highly recommend this excellent piece from James Fallows. He looks at the ways in which past presidential and vice-presidential debates have been won or lost, and it’s often been not so much a question of substance as of the candidate fitting within — or confounding —…