Keep It Up — A Note From Utah

Robin Alperstein
Voluble by Robin Alperstein
2 min readFeb 9, 2017

The #resistance is working, even if it does not seem like it yet. Making them fight for, instead of giving in to, every single bogus thing they do is its own form of victory, sowing the seeds for greater victory down the line. The more that citizens push for what we believe, and the more we are ignored, the more illegitimate those who ignore us show themselves to be, and the greater the groundswell for change in 2017 and 2018 (and 2020). Never forget that the more we keep it up, the stronger we become. They want us to give up hope and go home and be quiet. What will they do when we do not?

Think this is just desperate spin? Well, this morning I sent a schedule of Jason Chaffetz’s upcoming town hall in Utah to a friend who lives there, asking if she knows anyone in his district who might be willing to attend and voice their concerns. Look at this response I received:

“Oh they’re coming! His office is so freaked out, they even sent an email to residents in the area asking them to attend so Utah’s ‘REAL’ majority is heard. Should be an interesting night!” The response included a link to this article:

It is working. It will work. Do not despair. Double down and fight harder. Even in loss we have victory, because we are fighting for decency, fairness, accountability, kindness, equality, justice, and democracy. We can look in the mirror, and at our children and our friends and families, without shame that we did not stand up, that we normalized, that we shrugged and said why bother, it’s inevitable. The only shame we have is perhaps the shame that we are not doing enough. We can’t all do everything, but we can all do something. Call! Go to these town halls! Be present and visible and do not stay silent or be silenced.

#protectdemocracy #resist #shepersisted

