VolunCharity Supports Black Lives Matter

Doug Sandlin
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2020

How You Can, Too — And What It Will Take To Create Systemic Change

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‘Hard conversations’: A full week of protests wraps up in downtown S.A.

Be Willing To Take A Stand: Ending Systemic Racism Is Critical To Creating A Healthy Society

What VolunCharity Is Doing

Taking Personal Action

When we say that VolunCharity supports Black Lives Matters, we mean it. In the photo above, the guy in the blue VolunCharity t-shirt is our CEO Brad Lord, attending a protest in San Antonio, Texas on June 5th, 2020.

And if you look at my own Twitter profile and feed, and my answers on Quora, you’ll see that I speak out in favor of Black Lives Matter, and against systemic racism, on an ongoing basis.

What You Can Do

As the VolunCharity team is doing, if each of us just offers what we can, in terms of time, donations, natural inclinations, and so on — we can make the seismic shift that’s been 400 years in the making, and help end the systemic racism that has plagued American society from the very beginning.

Here Are Some Links To Resources And Content That Can Help You To Help End Racism

Organizations And Information Supporting Black Lives Matter Related Efforts

Ways You Can Help

Black Lives Matter Website

ACLU Black Lives Matter — Demand Justice Now

137 Place And Funds To Donate In Support Of Black Lives Matter

Equal Justice Initiative


13th — Documentary — How The 13th Amendment Has Failed Black Americans

Just Mercy — Trailer

Redemption — The Restoration Of White Supremacy After The Civil War

Taking A Long Term View

Ending systemic racism is a long term endeavor that will require:

Changing the attitudes and behaviors of many people.

Changing culture (what is considered acceptable and unacceptable) changing laws (local, state and federal).

Making unnecessary police violence a crime.

Electing candidates who support equal treatment under the law.

Providing truly equal opportunities for education and employment for African-Americans.

Establishing and reporting the metrics by which impact and success can be measured. and so much more.

We can’t just eliminate bad systems, we have to create good systems.

We need to become educated, motivated and active in doing so.

And we each need to do what we can do, now — regardless of our ethnic background, age, religion, gender, ethnicity, or any other description. Because we’re all human, we’re all in this together, and ending racism is critical to a healthy future for the United States of America for every single one of us.

What Can You Do? Here Are Some Suggestions

  • Get motivated
  • Get educated (learn about black history, and current injustices)
  • Do what you can
  • Take A stand
  • Talk to people
  • Attend protests
  • Talk online
  • Volunteer
  • Donate


At VolunCharity, we’re here to help people, and we recognize that ending racism is one of the single most important things that any of us can do. And we invite you to join us in doing whatever you can. Thank you.

If you would like to receive our updates directly please click here to subscribe.

About VolunCharity

VolunCharity, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation with offices in San Antonio, Texas and Allentown, Pennsylvania. VolunCharity is creating a uniquely empowered technical infrastructure, including mobile apps, connecting volunteers and donors with nonprofits, NGOs, and other socially beneficial projects, more easily and seamlessly than ever before.

All donations are tax deductible in the U.S., and any support is deeply appreciated.

And you can now support VolunCharity with your Amazon purchases at no cost to you, via smile.amazon.com — just select VolunCharity as your charity of choice, and Amazon will contribute a small percentage of every purchase you make.

