Week 10 Findings

November 9–15


Working on Wireframe

This past week, we mostly worked on fleshing out our wireframe and idea further. In order to incorporate a way to support patients virtually and to offer them emotional support, we decided to add a patient side to the app. Currently, the home page of the app has two main options: “help center,” and “connect with others.”

The “help center” will focus on helping the volunteer as an individual, and will include the subcategories of training, resources, shifts and hours (to access and change their volunteering schedule), and about.

The “connect with others” option will focus more on the community building aspect of the app. While we’re still fleshing out how exactly people can communicate and connect with eachother, the main part of this section will be a map that allows volunteers to see staff/volunteers under one tab, and patients under the other. From the map, volunteers would be able to reach out to others. For example, they could connect with staff who are specialists in the medical field they’re interested in pursuing, or they could reach out to patients in order to check in, and offer emotional support virtually.


This week, we also started to look at the direction we want to go in visually. We started a moodboard, and have decided to keep the app very clean, with a couple of bold, contrasting colors, and a few simple, vector-style illustrations.

In addition to figuring out the visual direction, we’ve also been researching ways to make our app more accessible to the visually impaired. Besides a straightforward layout and large type, we’re also using an easy-to-read font, implementing high contrast between the various elements, and trying to make sure that we have texture in conjunction with color for different symbols.

Trying out a couple of different color combinations

Stakeholder Map

We’re still working on further fleshing out our stakeholder map.

