Week Four Findings

September 28 — October 4


Questions we already asked Aimee:

  • How has the program changed with covid
  • Approximately how many volunteers work with UPMC each year
  • Main challenges the volunteer program faces
  • What does the current training program look like, and.

New questions for Aimee:

  • How many volunteers work at each hospital?
  • Shadyside and presbyterian
  • Each hospital has its own volunteer department with own coordinators
  • Non covid 250–300
  • Presby can have 400–500 because it’s on campus, closer
  • Are the volunteers spread out fairly evenly?
  • There seems to be a lot of different roles for the volunteers, so is finding enough volunteers a concern? Is a goal to get more volunteers?
  • During covid, yes, but normally, no as they’re so close to volunteers
  • Majority of students coming from pitt
  • 99% want to pursue a medical career
  • Occasionally students will volunteer out of good of heart
  • 100 adult volunteers
  • Only permitted to take volunteers between 18 and 65, oldest active volunteer was 89, but can’t volunteer now
  • Adult volunteers help in mail room, offices, greeting at door, delivering mail
  • Students want more hands on things, wash patients hair, paint nails, boogie
  • Bedside boogie: ipods with spotify on them, volunteers ask what music the patients want, and they do movement together (movement to music)
  • Kanika(sp?) Seth — developed bedside boogie
  • Patients role dice, different movements
  • Do crew: volunteers wash patients hair, volunteer teams assigned to specific floors
  • Special shower wheel chairs, with attached sinks
  • Hands down we did it: paint nails, hand massages
  • During covid:
  • 32 of them screening: take temperature and give mask
  • Greeters
  • Mail room: getting mail
  • Office work: some work in office
  • How long on average are shifts?
  • 1 four hour shift per week, your shift can’t change, if your shift is wednesday, 10–2, that’s your shift
  • Shift switching doesn’t happen
  • Students call off pretty last minute
  • Especially with do crew, as it’s in pairs, if one person can’t do it, the other can’t either
  • It’s hard with a team
  • Also patients really look forward to do crew, and nail
  • Are there any physical artefacts on how to become volunteers?
  • More experienced people train other people
  • If you’re not comfortable with one training, come in to get another
  • Just one shift
  • Already have instructions for each group
  • Already have pamphlet for volunteers
  • Apply through website, based on hospital they want to go to
  • Aimee looks through application, they get sent to training
  • Criminal test
  • Background tests
  • Flu shot vaccine
  • TV training
  • Getting a badge
  • How can we help to solve the problem of volunteer call offs?
  • Can you explain a bit more about the Patient Experience program?
  • How do senior volunteers feel about registration through websites?
  • Contact Aimee, she’ll get us in contact with communication team

