How CAE drives smarter cars

Wasinee Charoenchang
Volvo Cars Engineering
4 min readMay 17, 2023

Have you ever wondered how the automotive industry keeps continuously improving the design and efficiency of modern cars? Well, here’s an interesting fact — Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) is a key component in the design process!

Hi there! I am Wasinee, currently working as a CAE thermal analysis engineer at Volvo Cars. I am responsible for performing cooling performance simulations and thermal consumption forecast in several car variants to minimize thermal losses and unnecessary usage of energy, also providing thermal-related technical input for design and material selection of components in the car such as HVAC ducts and lidar (like the one in the new Volvo EX90!).

Me with Volvo EX90

CAE, what is it?

I am going to start by explaining what CAE is, as it might not be clear for everyone reading this article. The history of Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) dates back to the early days of computing. The first major breakthrough in CAE came in when the Finite Element Method (FEM) was introduced. The FEM is a numerical technique used to solve complex engineering problems by dividing them into smaller, simpler parts.

Finite Element Method (FEM)

The development of the FEM with high performance computing system paved the way for the use of computers in engineering work such as designing parts or systems, performing simulations of mechanical, electrical or thermal systems as well as simulations of fluid flow. The role of CAE in the automotive industry has become increasingly important over the years. In fact, it is now an essential part of the design and development process for modern cars for various purposes including,

  • Improving safety standard — from different crashworthiness simulations, engineers can identify potential safety issues and make design changes to address them since safety is a top priority for the automotive industry
  • Enhancing energy efficiency — engineers can identify the most efficient combinations of aerodynamic designs, thermal configurations, and powertrain layouts. This helps to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
  • Optimizing performance — how different components interact with each other under different driving conditions to ensure that cars perform at their best in real-world conditions.
  • Securing comfort and convenience — how the air conditioning and heating systems work, as well as noise and vibrations to provide the most comfortable interior environment for passengers.

Example of applications for thermal efficiency

I have been using 1D and 3D thermal simulations to optimize the performance of electric passenger vehicles. In 3D simulations, fluid is analyzed using numerical solution method to visualize detailed profile of temperature, velocity and even pressure in complex 3D domain. Examples of the applications are

  • To quantify whether the front openings of the vehicle are sufficient to achieve high cooling performance
  • How the fan position influences heat transfer of the radiator in thermal bay
Applications to visualize thermal profile

While in 1D simulations, we focus more on overall system rather than specific components, thus it enables us to understand the interaction of different components within the system such as

  • How cooling and refrigerant system effect cabin temperature in different driving scenarios
  • How motor and battery temperature effect charging time, also overall thermal consumption of our cars in individual ambient temperatures from extreme cold to very hot climate conditions
In house 1D Complete Vehicle Thermal Model

Why am I so keen to work with CAE?

The use of CAE has grown rapidly over the last couple of decades. CAE analyses have a great potential to save time in the design process and are therefore cheaper and faster compared to conventional testing for data acquisition. As the industry shifts towards more sustainable practices, the use of CAE can also help to reduce the environmental impact of product development. One of the most significant benefits of CAE is that it allows engineers to simulate how a product will perform under different conditions. For example, we can simulate how the car will perform in extreme temperatures or simulate how materials will affect the car in real world before we build it out of metal or plastic. This enables us to identify key areas for improvement and resolve potential issues early in the design process. Additionally, CAE can be used to validate a product design by comparing simulation results to physical test results, ensuring accuracy. Finally, we can use CAE for optimization, analyzing simulation results to identify opportunities for enhancing a product’s performance and design, so we can make the best cars more than ever!

This cutting-edge technology has revolutionized the way we approach product design, and by using CAE, we can create more efficient and innovative products. With the potential to save time and money in the design process, CAE offers endless possibilities to push the boundaries of what is possible in engineering. If you are passionate about engineering and want to have a positive impact, why not take the first step in discovering the amazing potential of CAE and start your journey to becoming an engineering innovator today?

