Quantum Computing: Paving the Path to a Greener Automotive Industry and Beyond

Bahram Ganjipour
Volvo Cars Engineering
5 min readJan 23, 2024

In the 2nd post of this series on the rise of quantum computing, I will explore the industry’s landscape and offers an insightful overview of how quantum computing may revolutionize various industries, with a specific focus on its implications for the automotive industry.

Quantum computing, as a field, is incredibly inspiring. Its potential to solve complex computational problems beyond the capabilities of classical computers fuels our hopes for energy-efficient solutions in various domains. This includes addressing logistics challenges, advancing material discovery, and significantly improving battery technology for electric vehicles.

This inspirational view drew a lot of attention and investment to the field, and, as it is usual, the fertile ground provides a general opportunity for growth, both for the expected and the unexpected, paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future in the automotive industry and the broader realm of electric vehicles.

Like many other technologies, quantum computing (QC) has a longer history than we might expect. The academic foundations of the field were established in the 1980s, similar to the internet, which took decades to achieve widespread adoption. In the next post of this series, I will go into more detail on QC and how it works. For those who are unfamiliar with quantum computers, there are a few things to keep in mind for the time being.

Firstly, Quantum computers are not simply superior versions of regular computers; they are vastly different systems that excel in solving specific problems. Their superior performance can be linked to their ability to leverage the strange behaviors of quantum particles in their information-processing capabilities. This makes QC well-suited for tackling immensely complex mathematical calculations that traditional machines cannot efficiently manage.

You are not alone if you’ve been hearing more about QC recently. The tech community, investors, and government research organizations have been showing a remarkable surge of interest in QC in recent years, leading to multiple startups securing hundreds of millions of dollars of venture capital funding. This raises the question: what is the motivation behind this newfound fascination with QC?

The growing interest in QC stems from its potential to revolutionize various sectors beyond the IT sector, such as and Material, Automotive, and pharmaceutical industries…. Additionally, Quantum-as-a-Service (QaaS) offerings by Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and IBM have made quantum machines accessible to commercial entities through cloud computing. As the performance of QaaS improves, the demand for the service is expected to continue to surge, driving further investment in QC. However, actual advancements in QC will depend on its capability to produce tangible results for the businesses that choose to venture into this growing field. We can’t say for sure if this day will come. Although practical applications and use cases for quantum computing are continuously being developed, we are still far from a reality where the average company can tap into QC and expect to gain a competitive edge right away.

How quantum computers look like

How seriously should we consider the potential of quantum computing if it has not yet reached a stage where companies can easily obtain tangible benefits from it?

The answer, vague though, is that your mileage may vary. Although quantum computing currently faces limitations, it remains a rapidly evolving and promising field that has the potential to revolutionize various industries in the future. Thus, it is essential for companies to keep themselves up-to-date with its advancement and potential applications and invest in research and development to stay competitive. Although it is not yet at the stage of broad commercial adoption, it is a technology that should be taken seriously and closely monitored.

Schematic illustration of the use cases

What makes the automotive industry a prime candidate for quantum computing?

The automotive industry with its complex and diverse manufacturing processes provides ample opportunities for leveraging QC’s optimization, simulation, and machine learning methods. Applications of QC in manufacturing optimization (i.e., Robots path, Paint shop), EV batteries, vehicle design optimization, and supply chain management could significantly impact the industry. Therefore, closely monitoring QC’s potential in the automotive industry and investing in research and development could offer a competitive edge for automotive companies. Despite the technology’s limitations, QC’s rapid evolution and promising future underscore the need for companies to take it seriously and closely watch its progress.

When Will Quantum Computing Become Useful? A Timeline Analysis from NISQ to Fault-Tolerant Systems!

While the exact time frame for the broad application of quantum computing is still unknown, a rough estimation can be made based on current advancements and market patterns. It’s essential to keep in mind that the field of quantum computing is still advancing quickly, and new developments may potentially speed up or change existing timescales. Here I provide a general timetable along based on IBM’s roadmap.

Near-Term (0–5 years)

- Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices: capability-restricted quantum computers with qubit count and high error rates but capable of demonstrating quantum advantages in specific applications.

- Potential application: NISQ devices can be used for optimization problems such as robot path planning, and machine learning tasks i.e. tackling big datasets, and quantum simulation in various industry domains i.e. CFD. These systems may offer advantages in specific use cases, but they are not yet prepared for widespread adoption.

Mid-Term (5–10 years)

- Quantum Volume and error reduction: Quantum computers with higher qubit counts, reduced error rates, and better overall computing performance

- Potential application: Mid-term quantum computers may have increased computational power, making it possible to do more complex simulations, cryptography, and optimization tasks. The stability and reliability of quantum calculations will also be enhanced through error correction techniques.

Long-Term (10+ years)

- Fault-tolerant universal quantum computers: Highly reliable quantum computers that can operate faultlessly at scale.

- Potential applications: Once fault-tolerant quantum computers are developed, they could have a transformative impact across various industries. Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize the entire IT sector and be a disruptive technology in all other areas of industry. Applications might include large-scale optimization, AI, solving complex systems, drug discovery, material science, and revolutionizing encryption protocols.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. In our upcoming article, we will explore the practical applications of quantum computing in the automotive industry. Furthermore, we will discuss how quantum-inspired algorithms can act as an interim solution, bridging the gap between classical and quantum computing.

Stay tuned for the next part.

