Unveiling Quantum Computing: Unlocking the Power of Qubits and Superposition

Bahram Ganjipour
Volvo Cars Engineering
5 min readOct 23, 2023

The emergence of quantum computing (QC), which has drawn considerable interest from corporate executives and technological experts, has led automobile companies to consider its implications for their future operations. In a three-part series, I , a senior software engineer and quantum computing lead at Volvo Cars, will shed light on this matter. The purpose of these series is to help you dip your toes into the water.

TL; DR: Quantum Computing in Automotive
For those of you familiar with quantum computing, bear with me, but for those who aren’t, let’s explore why it’s truly remarkable and why we’re thinking about it at Volvo Cars. Quantum computers are like superhero of the computation world, armed with the power to tackle profound global challenges. Now, imagine, what if we use our superhero friends, Quantum computers, to address issues throughout the automotive industry’s value chain, with the aim of enhancing the environmental footprint of our cars, making them more sustainable and energy-efficient? This is what we are diligently striving to achieve at Volvo Cars and why we’re captivated by quantum computers. So, buckle up as we delve into the fascinating realm of quantum technology and explore how it has the potential to transform the way we perceive both technology and automobiles.

A quantum computer could carry out an immense number of calculations simultaneously by harnessing the unique properties of quantum. This allows them to process information in a completely distinct manner from classical computers, surpassing the capabilities of even the most powerful supercomputers available today. Quantum computing is going to change everything and even how we understand the world. The core advantage of quantum computers lies in their fundamental building blocks.

Let’s delve into the core advantages of quantum computers.

The easiest way to explain quantum computing is by comparing it to classical computation. Conventional computers work on the basis of binary logic or bit that can be either 0 or 1, but — importantly- not both at the same time. Quantum computer utilizes quantum bits, or qubits which can be 0 or 1, commonly denoted by symbols l0> and l1>. Unlike classical bits, however, a qubit — written as |q⟩ — can also exist as any combination (superposition) of these two states and be entangled. We write this as, |q⟩=α l0>+ β l1>.

This superposition state arises from a quantum property, and it’s not a matter of uncertainty about the state — it genuinely encompasses both possibilities. For instance, a qubit can be 90% l0> and 10% l1>, or some other combination.

Consequently, the main advantage of quantum computers over classical ones lies in their ability to process calculations using a multitude of possibilities concurrently. This capability is achieved through the concept of superposition in quantum mechanics, allowing qubits to exist in multiple states simultaneously and enabling parallel processing of information. Superposition is truly remarkable as it significantly reduces the number of operations needed to solve complex problems.

To gain a more intuitive understanding of the remarkable properties of quantum computing, imagine stepping into a video game where you must select from a range of unique characters, each possessing their own special abilities and skills.

Now, picture a scenario where you could control all these characters simultaneously, unleashing their combined powers in unison. Ordinary computers, including supercomputers, operate by choosing only one character at a time. They work with “bits,” which are essentially small switches that can be turned on or off, represented by the numbers 1 and 0. These bits enable computers to process information and execute commands. However, just like playing with a single character, these bits can only exist in one state at any given moment — either 0 or 1.

In contrast, quantum computers employ “qubits” to perform their calculations. Qubits serve as the fundamental building blocks of quantum computers, possessing the remarkable ability to be BOTH 0 and 1 simultaneously. This incredible phenomenon, known as “superposition,” can be likened to your game character simultaneously attacking and defending. The more qubits a computer possesses, the more powerful it becomes, much like harnessing multiple characters’ capabilities at once. But that’s not all.

Additionally, Quantum physics introduces another mind-boggling concept called entanglement, which enables a strong correlation between qubits. When two qubits become entangled, the state of one qubit instantaneously affects the state of the other, regardless of their spatial separation.

Quantum entanglement illustration

Imagine if one game character acquired a power-up, and instantly, another character on the opposite side of the game map also received the same boost!

By embracing the potential of handling multiple possibilities simultaneously, quantum computers possess an enormous capacity to solve complex problems at a much faster pace than any supercomputer available today.

The power of qubit:
Because each qubit can represent two values simultaneously, each additional qubit doubles the number of possible simultaneous states. Two qubits provide four possible values, three qubits can represent eight values simultaneously and n qubits will represent 2^n classical values. Already, 300 qubits have the capacity to store more classical values simultaneously than there are particles in the entire universe and it just takes 60 functional qubits to outperform the computing power of current supercomputers (a single 64-qubit quantum register can encapsulate the results of 260≅ 1.52 ×1018 classical calculations), demonstrating the extraordinary computational capability and promise of quantum computers.

It is fascinating to see how we are getting increasingly close to the realization of the promise of quantum computing. Very recently, Google researchers announced an astonishing feat: a quantum computer completing a real-life calculation in just six seconds, a task that would require one of the world’s fastest classical supercomputers (Frontier) a staggering 47 years to accomplish.

This achievement demonstrates the immense capabilities of quantum computing and the exciting opportunities it holds for solving previously intractable problems.

When discussing quantum computers and their superiority over classical counterparts, the emphasis is frequently placed on their exceptional speed and transactional capabilities. However, this narrow perspective fails to grasp the true essence of this remarkable technology. Quantum computing should be viewed as a paradigm shift in problem-solving, transcending our conventional thinking. Its purpose lies not merely in solving existing problems faster, but in tackling challenges that have eluded our imagination thus far. Quantum computers represent an entirely novel class of machines, endowed with unprecedented capabilities to address the most uncharted and complex problems of the future.

Hopefully, this post has provided you with a fundamental grasp of the concept behind a quantum computer. In the next article of this series, we’ll delve into how quantum computing may revolutionize various industries, with a specific focus on its implication for the automotive industry. We will also explore the industry’s landscape, including key players and developments from NISQ devices to fault-tolerant systems.

