Artificial Intelligence applied in design solutions

Thinking with VORM
Published in
7 min readOct 28, 2017


Text by Katarzyna Pado

What is Artificial Intelligence?

There are many different definitions about what Artificial Intelligence is. Most of people while thinking of AI will probably imagine robots which act similarly to humans. Partially, that is true. In general, AI is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines which work and react like humans.

But for better understanding you need to know that computers with artificial intelligence are designed to include activities like: speech recognition, learning, planning, problem solving and many others.

When it comes to design, AI has its two sides: it can be put into the device or service by designers to make the product intelligent and as well it can be a designer itself. But is AI good enough to replace human designers? Not yet, because it can work only in the way it is programmed so it lacks in creativity, flexibility and some other human designers’ skills, but actually can be a strong partner for a designer to cooperate with.

Applications of AI in Design

AI is being used for a wide range of activities including medical diagnosis, electronic trading, robot control and remote sensing. AI was used to develop and advance numerous industries, including finance, healthcare, education, transportation, and more. Designers provide the market with a wide range of AI applications.

AI in Transportation

AI helps increasing safety on the roads. There are companies working on AI devices as well as completely autonomous cars. The delivery industry also may be completely changed because of drones or robots.

  • Waymo

Waymo has been working on self-driving technology since 2009. Their vehicles have sensors and software designed to detect pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles, road work and more, from a distance of up to two football fields away in all directions. By driving every day in various types of real-world conditions, they teach their cars to navigate safely and comfortably through all sorts of situations.

  • DRU

DRU (Domino’s Robotic Unit) is an autonomous delivery vehicle. With sleek, refined forms combined with a friendly persona and lighting, DRU is a world’s first product in the space of commercial autonomous delivery. He is a four wheeled vehicle with compartments built to keep the customer’s order piping hot and drinks icy cold whilst traveling on the footpath at a safe speed from a store to the customer’s door.

AI at Home

Virtual assistants enable people to control connected home devices without using hands even when they‘re away. There is also a great amount of devices helping in particular home activities, like cooking or cleaning.

  • aiPort

Unlike other virtual assistants that can only receive voice commands, aiPort recognizes your face and body language, using its built-in cameras and computer vision software. aiPort senses the temperature, humidity, CO and CO2 levels at your home and gives you a warning if there‘s a problem. Its microphones are featured with far field technology, allowing it to recognize your voice and understand your commands.

  • SmartyPans

SmartyPans have sensors built into the pan itself, and it’s connected to the smartphone app. While cooking, you can just speak out loud to inform the app about each ingredient you’re adding. This allows SmartyPans to use its weight sensors and determine the amount of ingredient that is being included. Thanks to the ingredients’ distinctive properties, the sensors can even track how the quantities change during the cooking process. The temperature trackers prevent you from every burning or over-cooking your meals. You also know when to add ingredients at the perfect time.

AI for Kids and Parents

Baby monitors help parents get some rest while monitoring the baby and improving kids’ development.

  • Nanit

Nanit’s camera uses something called computer vision. Nanit learns how your baby moves, and tells you if they are fussy, awake or sleeping like a dream. Nanit Insights helps you identify sleep issues, so you can adjust it and get back on track fast. Nanit tracks and understands sleep patterns, parents’ visits, room conditions and much more.

  • Leka

Leka is an interactive robot designed for children with special needs, such as autism and other developmental disabilities. It is also a tool for parents & therapists to support education in an easier, more efficient and more constant way. Leka is an interactive and multi-sensory smart toy, offering children with special needs the ability to play fun and educational games. It motivates social interactions, that increase cognitive and emotional skills.

AI for Seniors

Growing number of seniors in developed countries demands improving quality of their lives. With AI it is easy.

  • Elli-Q

ELLI•Q™ is an active aging companion that keeps older adults active and engaged. It seamlessly enables older adults to use a vast array of technologies. ELLI•Q proactively suggests and instantly connects older adults to digital content such as TED talks, music or audiobooks; it recommends activities in the physical world like taking a walk after watching television for a prolonged period of time, keeps appointments and taking medications on time; and connects with family through technology like chatbots such as Facebook Messenger.

  • Aura Powered Suit

The clothing, that is made from a lightweight and flexible fabric, aims to provide the ageing population with a higher level of strength through a series of motors housedin hexagonal pods. The pods — or “electric muscles” — are located on the torso, hips, legs and back, and embedded with sensors. Each uses artificial intelligence to react to the body’s natural movements, and add muscle power to aid the wearer in getting up, sitting down or staying upright.

Robots may completely replace humans doing repetitive jobs as well as they can be an entertaining and helpful companion.

  • Rethink Robotics

Collaborative robots are safe to be around, require much smaller footprint, and are inexpensive enough to provide a rapid return on investment. They are the solution for manufacturers looking to boost productivity and quality in their operations. The industry that once looked to automation for volume production is now seeking flexibility, as labor rates rise, consumer demands constantly change, and companies compete in a global market.

  • Domgy

Domgy is a second-generation Artificial Intelligence robot. Domgy’s advanced image recognition (both face and gesture) technology not only identifies your face, but it can also read your gestures, even your moods. And its AI voice system enables you to speak naturally as it answers and interacts with you. Domgy can do a wide range of things, this adorable pet is both functional and funny. With its unique AI capabilities, you can teach Domgy to do different things based on voice commands and visual cues.

How does the design of AI looks like?

After analyzing the market of AI applications in product design, it turned out that these products often have many visual features in common. They even look similar despite having different purposes. Forms are usually rounded and smooth, color palette is discreet and muted. It gives friendly look of technology and it will match and look good in the house.
On the other hand, these features can cause customer’s confusion and the usage may not be intuitive.

Looking at the pictures of products taken out of the context, you’re not able to guess how to use them. The form should somehow communicate how the product works.

AI in Service Design

Governmental institutions and healthcare may finally become efficient enough to serve citizens’ needs properly. AI can make all the procedures short and easy, it also excludes possible human errors.

  • DoNotPay

An artificial intelligence lawyer chatbot has successfully contested 375,000 parking tickets across London and New York for free, showing that chatbots can actually be useful. Now it is used in 50 states of US.
Dubbed as “the world’s first robot lawyer” by its 19-year-old creator, a second-year Stanford University student Joshua Browder, DoNotPay helps users contest parking tickets in an easy to use chat-like interface. The program first checks if an appeal is possible through a series of simple questions, and then guides users through the appeal process.

  • Ada

Ada is an AI-powered doctor app and telemedicine service. Ada asks smart questions to help you feel better. It’s designed for you to find out what symptoms you’re having and offers you information on a possible cause. If needed, it offers you a follow up remote consultation with a real doctor over text.

