Crypto Lottery with DeFi + NFTs?! It’s a BigWin.

Miss Vosk (Alexa)
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2021

BigWin is a no-loss lottery playground combining DeFi and NFT. Using a transparent open-source platform on the Binance Smart Chain, BigWin hopes to be the next best community for DeFi enthusiasts, while creating a fair online lottery system. Their products include:

  • BigWin Pools where you can support a wide variety of assets
  • The BigWin Vault where you can lock your assets, participate in a lottery, and experience higher value yields
  • BigWin LEGO integrating BWIN as part of the DeFi infrastructure
  • BigWin NFT to provide liquidity application scenarios
  • BigWin Oceanpark, which is a community for DeFi enthusiasts to share and advocate

A no-loss online lottery? What’s the catch? 🎣

So here’s how it works. Users stake their assets to get tickets (one ticket per token). The more tickets you buy, the higher odds you have of winning. Your odds are determined by the amount of tokens you deposit into the pool.

There are four prize pools available: BWIN, USDT, CAKE, and BUNNY.

Users can withdraw their assets after the drawing period is over. BigWin invests users’ staked assets into a third-party decentralized platform, generates interest, and revenue is then paid out to those who are in the pools.

There are two ways to win. Users can gain revenue by staking their assets and some lucky users can win an additional loot box prize. This loot box is an address that can be controlled by the owner of an ERC721 token. Any ERC721 can have an associated loot box address, where tokens can be sent. Some pools offer extra loot boxes as well.

Prize pools also enforce a time lock on the funds with a credit limit. Once the credit limit is reached, users can withdraw their funds without any loss. If the credit limit hasn’t been reached, users can use a withdrawal time lock or pay an early exit fee that is contributed to the prize.

Sounds like this is for Whales. I’m just a fish. 🐟

To make it fairer, BigWin has introduced NFTs into the mix. BigWin is planning to rollout NFT options where NFTs would be assigned to every prize pool. This lottery would be based on participation time, proportion to the amount in the pool when joining, and the holding amount of BWIN. Users can either hold the NFT to help increase their luck, or they can sell it to other users in the pool to increase their win rate. This is coming soon, so stay tuned for updates from BigWin!

What’s Coming Soon with BigWin?

BigWin has an extensive roadmap that include NFT integration, an Oceanpark community for DeFi enthusiasts, Grants, User Profiles, ecosystems, Initial Farm Offerings, and Multichain networks.

To learn more, visit BigWin’s website here.

This article is not financial advice. We have not audited BigWin or used their platform. Please proceed at your own risk and exercise caution.
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Miss Vosk (Alexa)

Miss Vosk of the VoskCoin YouTube Channel (also known as Tails’ Mom).