How to Diagnose Goldshell ASIC Miner Error Codes

Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2022

If you are having issues with your Goldshell ASIC miner, first verify your device is correctly plugged in and connected to the Internet. If that’s not the issue, we will diagnose it using the lights on the device. Goldshell miners conveniently come equipped with an integrated light on their devices that can indicate a number of error codes. Use the below guides to help diagnose what issues you are having with your miner.

Box Series Miner Indicators (Mini Doge, KD Box, SC Box, CK Box, HS Box, STC, LB Box, and Pro Versions)

Use the below light codes to diagnose your Goldshell Box Series miner issues:

Big ASIC Miner Indicator Codes (KD2, KD5, CK5, HS5, LS3SE, LT5, etc.)

Use the below light codes to diagnose your Goldshell professional miner issues:

Connection Status Check

You should be able to connect to the miner using its IP address. You can locate the IP address of the miner by using WhosOnMyWifi. Once you have the IP, search the miner’s IP on your web browser. It should populate a dashboard that looks like this! You can use the dashboard to monitor and check the status of multiple items.

Once you’re sure it’s not a connection issue, we can use Goldshell’s software to check for stability issues.

Stability Issues

If you’re having stability issues, it could also be because the software is unstable or outdated, so the best course of action is to update it.

How to Update Your Software

  1. Go to the Goldshell Official Github. Here you will find every Goldshell miner available.
  2. Log in to the miner and find the IP address.
  3. In the upper left corner, Unlock the miner.

Username: admin

Password: 123456789

4. Once your miner is unlocked, go to System, Click Update Firmware, and select the software.

Once you have done that, let the miner sit until it’s back online. Do not touch anything. You’ll hear the fans spin; that is normal. It can take up to 5–10 minutes for the miner to reset.

If you’re running the miner over WiFi, you need to plug in an ethernet cable in order to have Internet when the device powers on.

When you are working with Goldshell, please make sure you are using their official website. There are a lot of scam sites out there that claim to be the real Goldshell but are not. The last thing you want to do is get scammed.

Thanks for reading! Make sure to subscribe to the VoskCoin YouTube Channel to stay up to date on the latest cryptocurrency mining news and reviews.

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