The BEST Helium ($HNT) Hotspot Miner to Buy Right NOW?!

TLDR; It’s the Bobcat Miner 300.
If you’re active in the cryptocurrency space right now, then you’ve probably heard of Helium ($HNT) mining. One of the top questions we get right now is, what’s the best Helium Miner I can buy? Quick Answer: It’s the Bobcat Miner 300.
If you follow the VoskCoin Channel on YouTube, you know we covered the Bobcat Miner 300 back in April 2021. Since then, it has consistently been making between $5–$10 USD per day. If you didn’t know that, check out our video below and subscribe to us on YouTube!
Bobcat has shipped nearly 150,000 hotspots since launching in March 2021. Bobcat miners now account for nearly 40% the hotspots on The People’s Network.
So why the Bobcat?
Well it comes down to its features and usability.
- The Bobcat Miner 300 model comes with its own extendable 4dbi antennae, allowing you to strategically place your antennae in an ideal position to get the best signal with the widest reach — Pro tip! We recommend putting your Bobcat near a window.
- The Bobcat is equipped with a high-performance quad-core processor, the Rockchip PX30, which is designed for high performance applications.
- The Bobcat also has 64GB of built-in storage for the best data security and memory storage.
- The Bobcat also supports over-the-air (OTA) updates, meaning you can update and change settings on your miner remotely, without having to send it back to the manufacturer.
- The Bobcat is compatible with Helium LongFi, a technology architecture that combines LoRaWAN and the Helium Blockchain.
- The Bobcat miner also costs less than a $1 USD to run per month.

How do I know if I’m in a good spot to use a Helium miner?
Helium ($HNT) miners make the most profits by being near other miners. We recommend only having one miner per household, but being in an area where other miners are nearby (within a mile or two). Having other miners around you, allows you to “witness” other hotspots, and growing your reach. While it’s not the norm, “lone wolf” miners, or miners who aren’t near any other hotspots, can still be profitable, especially in jackpot consensus groups. You can check if other miners are around you by checking Helium Explorer.

The Bobcat Order Process
Bobcat configures its Helium miners to be usable in a number of regions and frequencies. Users can purchase their miners with cryptocurrency, using Coinbase check out. Check out our full walkthrough guide below!
Once you receive your miner, you will need to download the Helium Hotspot App, which is available on iOS and Android. It’s a simple-to-use app that allows you to set up your account, verify your location, sync the node and configure payouts.
The NEW Bobcat Brand
Bobcat’s main supplier is EasyLinkIn, a big manufacturing company based out of China. Starting in November 2021, Bobcat will have a new look, with an emphasis on minimalistic product development and efficiency.
Going forward, Bobcat will be driven by simplicity, productivity, and ease of use. Bobcat wants to express its commitment to transparent and straightforward communication, which is why they are also launching a new and improved support portal.

But why the Bobcat over Syncrobit, Nebra, and Rak?
Simple answer, shipment speed. The other Helium mining companies are backed with hundreds of thousands of orders right now, which means you may not receive your order for months. Bobcat is sure to be the quickest, which means you can get up and mining sooner.
Want to check out other Helium miners? Check them out using our links below!
- Review the Bobcat 300 Helium Hotspot miner
- Review the Linxdot Miner here (Review coming soon to the VoskCoin YouTube Channel!)
- Review the best Helium HNT miners to buy
This is not financial advise. Please do your own research before investing into ANY platform. Please make sure to subscribe to the VoskCoin YouTube Channel for cryptocurrency news and reviews.