Time Travel Your Money with Flashstake — Instant Rewards!

Miss Vosk (Alexa)
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2021

Flashstake enables you to earn instant yield with your cryptocurrency.

The Flashstake protocol enables users to time travel their money, meaning they can put their incentives to work immediately at the beginning of their staking period. Proof of Stake? Try Proof of Time.

Users simply choose the amount of cryptocurrency they want to stake, choose the amount of time they want to stake it, and they will earn instant up-front cryptocurrency yields on their crypto. And at the end of your set time period, you’ll receive your tokens back!

Flashstake and their ERC-20 token ($FLASH) live on the Ethereum blockchain, which means it runs on Uniswap.

According to Flashstake, within 75 days of launching, over 1000 people completed Flashstake transactions and over 50% of the entire supply had been locked. Over 93 years of total Flashstake days were recorded.

What’s New with Flaskstake?

FLASH recently launched a version 2 (v2) of their project with a 150k Liquidity Mining and Staking Program, which means 100,000 $FLASH + 50,000 $XIO is up for grabs for users within the first month of migration. A long-term Blockzero Citizen also created a new user interface, which will go live after the v2 migration.

Flashstake is also focused on building on Optimism, and Layer 2s, which will make the Ethereum blockchain and their GAS fees incredibly cheaper. $FLASH was audited by Solidified and created by Blockzero Labs.

Flashstakeme, another upcoming feature, will allow users to send a custom link to send to your friends for payment, similar to Venmo or PayPal. Using this feature, users can redirect yields to your wallet. Essentially, they keep their capital, and you keep the interest. Flashstake claims this would make them the world’s first transferless invoicing system.

Keep up to date with the latest news on Flashstake here.

The Future of Flashstake v3?

There are five main updates coming with Flashstake v3:

  1. Perpetual Liquidity Locks
  2. Layer 2 Gas Optimization
  3. FlashBurn Trading Fees
  4. Flexible Token Governance
  5. Partnership Integrations

We covered Flashstake on the VoskCoin YouTube Channel. Check out our review below! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to stay up to date on the latest cryptocurrency and mining news and reviews.



Miss Vosk (Alexa)

Miss Vosk of the VoskCoin YouTube Channel (also known as Tails’ Mom).