My table tennis writings

Vincent Oberle
Vincent’s table tennis blog
1 min readSep 14, 2016

Two years ago, we did an heptathlon between colleagues at TransferWise. Despite finishing last among men participants, it was great fun. It also had an unexpected consequence: It made me realize that I wanted to do more sport and more competitions, and reminded me how much I loved it when I played table tennis in the past.

I started playing table tennis when I was about 16, and during my studies when I could. After the studies, there was a lot of travelling at first, and then the move to Estonia, the family, so I ended up not playing for about 15 years. After that heptathlon, I decided to play again, picked a club in Tallinn and started going few times per week.

Why did I wait 15 years?!?

Table tennis is so amazing: Very physical, matches are rich and great fun. It’s also a very “brainy” sport, with a lot to think about on tactics and on mental development.

Probably the best proof how amazing I find it is how much I can talk about it :-) And hopefully now write about it, here.

