Presale Participant Spotlight: Kevin Winger

Pete Martin
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2018

Our team reached out to one of our earliest participants in our Public Presale to take a deeper dive into why he took an interest in our project. Kevin Winger is an artist and gallery owner in San Diego, California.

How did you find out about Votem?

I found out about Votem through social media, however I had already been seeking a blockchain project that was focused on fixing our broken voting system.

What stood out to you about Votem as compared to other projects in the blockchain space?

The acronym VAST stood out foremost: verifiability, accessibility, security, and transparency….. it touches on the most important aspects of our democratic voting rights. I feel that if anyone of these tenets are compromised, in any way, that it is a threat to our democracy and national security. I also was drawn to the project because of the amazing team, their history and experience, their success on past projects and their dedication to this singular goal of assuring voters a fluid and modern process that utilizes the latest tech. The fact the the team was so passionate and straightforward gave me great confidence. During the process, different team members helped my business partners and I navigate the SAFT process and other concerns. They were professional, prompt and articulate. This gave us all a better sense of confidence that the project was legitimate and would be carried through from concept to fruition.

What would you like to see Votem achieve in the next 5–10 years?

I would like to see Votem fully integrated into local and national elections, union voting and any other use case that requires secure, transparent and accurate voting processes. I also want to see aggressive marketing and partnerships with local and regional political parties all while maintaining political neutrality. Also, I’d like to see Votem implement flexibility and the ability to pivot into their roadmap as technology evolves and competition changes the blockchain ecosystem.

Why should others participate in Votem’s Public Presale?

Others should seriously consider backing Votem for one simple reason. There truly isn’t a better application or use case for blockchain technology than voting. This sector will see some of the greatest disruption to current outdated systems and Votem is leading the way and is far outpacing other projects.

To get involved with the Votem presale, please and input your email in our embedded form and our team will reach out with detailed steps to participate.



Pete Martin
Editor for

Technology executive, serial entrepreneur, mobile voting revolutionary and struggling classic rock drummer ;)