We organize primaries and elections

Artur Gurău
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2020

It’s challenging to run elections nowadays. There is a lack of trust in the democratic process but also in the official institutions that are responsible to run the elections.

When the game is not fair and the referee that has to ensure security and transparency is not correct, we can’t have public recognition for leaders elected in somehow democratic ways but undemocratic circumstances. Resources are invested in media building awareness and the sense that “our candidate” is less evil than theirs. The polarization is increasing and if that would not be enough and now we have COVID-19 pandemic bringing another issue — the danger of canceling or postponing elections. That would be a massive blunder for democratic processes and a boost for authoritarian appetites. We can see that happening for some time in places like Hungary. You can observe similar alarming signs in other countries.

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Instead of trying to deal with the consequences of a system that doesn’t work anymore, at VoteMeApp, we are trying to act quickly and prevent negative outcomes by shaping a democratic system where technology can help to have a positive social impact — a higher level of trust, engagement, and participation. We want better leaders for our countries in the future, but today we can already do that for our organizations and communities.

Under the pressure of new circumstances, how elections are organized has to change as well.

