5 Ways Programmable Coupon Marketing Can Improve Marketplace Liquidity

Evey Robaczek
Published in
Feb 10, 2021
A great example of Nextdoor pushing the supplier demand with the help of special deals.

Although there are different ways to build a marketplace, it is not an easy business to take off the ground, manage, and scale. Many founders are often challenged by the simple “chicken and egg” problem. How can a marketplace create a demand when there is no supply and vice versa? This two-sided online ecosystem relies on buying and selling services between 2 stakeholders — service seekers (“buyers”) and service providers (“suppliers”). And it regularly results in extreme fluctuations between supply and demand. Check our 5 tips for using a programmable coupon strategy that helps to boost marketplace liquidity and keep the long-term balance between buyers and suppliers. Includes examples from Uber, Etsy, Airbnb, and more.

Read the full article on Vouchery.io.



Evey Robaczek

I'm Ewelina, aka Evey de Turt. // Building @Vouchery.io