Blog Recap: Safer Driving and Work-Related Burnout

VouchForMe blog
Published in
5 min readAug 27, 2020

Over the last few weeks, our blog posts have focused on two crucial topics. Tips for safer driving, which gets us closer to our aim of safer roads for all, and the importance of looking after our mental health at work. Essential at a time where mental health is the leading cause of income protection claims. Today, we’re summarizing our last three posts on these issues, but if you’d like to read the whole thing. Click the following links.

VouchForMe’s ten tips for safer drivers.

Signs of burnout at work

How to recover from burnout

Tips for safer driving

Not only does safer driving keep you and other road users safe, but it’s also good for your wallet. Insurance companies offer the cheapest premiums to those who pay less, while we recognize that nobody can be completely safe on the roads, safer driving can help you avoid an at-fault accident. So when you drive, keep the following things in mind.

Watch your speed.

Creeping up past the speed limit is easy, but speed is one of the most significant factors in road accidents. So try to stay at the speed limit, and make sure you adjust it for the road. Fog, ice, and rain reduce your visibility and increase the chance of an accident.

Know the law.

If you passed your test a while ago, you’re probably confident you know the rules of the road, but maybe you’ve become a little rusty with time. So if you’re ever driving and find yourself unsure what a road sign means, make sure you revise it later.

Put down your phone.

In the USA, more accidents are caused by texting while driving than drunk drivers, so let that phone ring, it’s not worth the risk.

Drive smoothly

Heavy braking is a common habit that you should try to avoid. You wear down your brakes and tires and costs you fuel, and you’re also giving the driver behind you less time to stop. Slow controlled braking is a safer way to drive.

Look after your car.

Car maintenance isn’t just about the annual service, and there are a few things you can check yourself. At least once a month, ensure you’ve got the correct tire pressures, and keep your oil and water levels up, to reduce the risk of blowouts and breakdowns.

Find a driving role model.

Think of the best driver that you know. Chances are whoever you’re thinking of isn’t the type to brake heavily or use their phone, or tailgate. So try to channel their attitude when you’re out driving.

Burnout, what to look out for and how to recover

Do you ever find your job stressful? While most jobs are from time to time, nobody’s position should give them constant stress, but this stress is too common for many of us. Chronic work-related stress, also known as burnout, is a problem throughout many countries and is on the rise in the USA, the UK, and Europe. While many people will try to push through burnout, hoping things will improve, this is not a good plan in most cases. Burnout is bad for employees and employers alike. In individuals, burnout can lead to anxiety, depression, and a host of physical and mental health problems. In contrast, companies that foster a culture of burnout have high rates of absenteeism, more workplace accidents, and high employee turnover. Following our previous articles, we’re going to summarize the key things to look out for, and how you can recover from burnout.

The Signs

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, your colleagues, or your employees, you may see signs of employee burnout.


We’re not talking about being tired after a busy day. Severely burned-out employees can be almost always tired, whether at work, at home, or even on holiday.

Struggling to switch off from work

One issue with working from home is that the lines between work life and home life have become less clear. So if you’re at home, but still replying to emails and checking in with colleagues, you might find it hard ever to switch off.

Poor Performance

Working so hard, you might expect to yield good results. While that may be the case in the short-term, if you’re working to exhaustion, your performance will drop.

Anxiety & Depression

If you don’t deal with burnout, you may develop more serious mental health conditions, and always feel nervous, or lack self-worth. If it gets to this point, you should see your GP

How to Recover from Burnout

If you recognize that work is making you burned out, luckily there are steps to take to help you cope, and ultimately get your life back on track.

Set aside time to unwind from work.

Think about how you like to unwind, whether it’s sports, meditation, or reading. Chances are if you’re burned out, you’ve probably neglected these activities, so find some time for them and incorporate them back into your life. The best time may be just after you finish work, so you’ve got a barrier separating your home and work life.

Log out when the day’s over.

It’s easy to get into the habit of checking your work emails at all times when you’re working from home, but if it’s after 17:00 or 18:00 and you’re still checking them regularly, you’re probably not helping yourself. If you aren’t on call log out when your workday finishes, it can wait till tomorrow, and it’ll be better for you.

Find things to focus on outside of work.

Surprisingly, those who enjoy their work are more likely to experience burnout than those who don’t. Part of this is because those who like their work are more likely to feel defined by their careers, make sure you find other things outside of work that you’re passionate about, and devote some of your time elsewhere.

Breakdown your work and prioritize

When you have a lot to do, it can be overwhelming, and sometimes you might not know where to start, but it’s often not as bad as you think once you break it down. So take that time in the morning, to prioritize your tasks.

Talk to your employer.

Depending on how your organization is, this might be a hard chat to have, but it’s essential, both for yourself and your company, to tell your supervisor when you’re struggling. Some people find it difficult to say no to their bosses, but if you’re already stretched and continue to take on new projects at work, you’ll hurt yourself and the company. Sometimes your boss, might not see your point of view or be willing to make adjustments. As frustrating as that is, it’s a good indication that it’s time to move on.

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