VouchForMe August AMA Recapwhat

VouchForMe blog
Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2019

The summer months at VouchForMe were busy and exciting, and we are all looking forward to even more busy autumn. As you’ve noticed, we’ve moved our monthly Ask Me Anything sessions completely to our Telegram Channel. In the last two weeks of August, the community members posted numerous questions hashtagged #ama. We have compiled the highlights from the discussion, and fit and trimmed them for readability.

Q: When will you create an IPL purchase with MasterCard/Visa cards? I think it will simplify the use of the platform.

This is a valid point and we will consider it later on when the VouchForMe concept picks up.

Q: Is activity and roadmap on time as planned? Is roadmap delivery on track? Have you guaranteed funds for realization?

Yes, we are following the published roadmap with all activities and we are on track. Also, we have enough funds for its realization.

Q: Why aren’t other members of the team talking to us on telegram about our issues within this project? And don’t say they’re too busy…

Different team members are constantly checking the telegram channel, while the admin is responsible for moderation.

Q: How’s VFM propelled insurance selling in Romania?

The project featuring VFM in Romania has been set up and is operational, while the full-blown marketing and sales campaign have not yet started. We are not selling insurance, we have our concept integrated into the product of EuroIns.

Q: Which exchanges are you talking to for listing and how is the progress? what steps have the team taken to get the coin listed on new exchanges, and what exchanges have those steps been taken with. When will the team confirm about new decent exchange listing like Huobi, OkEx, Kucoin, Binance? Why is the team always saying we will get to know about the new exchange, but since 1 year there is no new exchange listing happened?

We’ve been and still are in discussion with a few of them. A lot happened during this time but no agreed listings came through. When some progress is made, we’ll make the announcement.

Q: Does the team plan to take any action to make IPL coin more attractive to investors, such as a coin buyback, or issuing dividends, etc?

As stated in the roadmap, you can expect an update by the end of Q3.

Q: Is the IPL dip related to an undefined role of the token in the platform?

We don’t comment on the market price of the token.

Q: Please, elaborate on the role of the IPL token within the VFM platform.

The token can be currently used at our platform as a payment method. As mentioned an update to token usability is expected.

Q: Are you still aware that IPL investors have paid $18M to support the VFM project?

Yes, we are and we are very grateful for that. The project is progressing well.

Q: Considering the coin is essentially worthless at the moment, is the team considering a buyback of any kind, or a buyback and burn to raise the price?

No action in such a direction is considered.

Q: What value will the VFM team provide back to token investors?

Token holders can already use the tokens on the platform which is aligned with the white paper. More propositions will be revealed through the token roadmap update.

Q: As an IPL investor, I am concerned about the role of the token within the platform. My question is, do you still count on IPL or not!?

Yes, we are. But one step at the time, the first one being the userbase and the social proof concept adoption.

Q: We want to know about the ICO fund, where the team spends that fund?

We are not commenting on this.

Q: If VFM winds down, will you return founds just like Cofound?

The project is running and we are in discussions with new potential partners, so nothing is happening in that direction.

Q: What marketing has been done, and what is planned to be done to make VFM more known to both the insurance and investment communities?

Before the summer the updated version of the VouchForMe positioning has been presented together with the new web page which presents the value proposition for both the end-users and insurance companies much more clear. Marketing activities are concentrated on onboarding the first two partners. In the fall VFM will be presenting at two important events together with its partners with the main aim to attract new potential partners and investors.

Q: Can the company share some selling numbers with insurance selling? In IPL and EUR?

We are not disclosing these data.

We thank everyone who participated in the discussion and if you have any additional questions, feel free to connect with us through Telegram or save questions for our next AMA #ama.



VouchForMe blog

Vouchforme is a next generation of peer-to-peer insurance based on social proof endorsements, fully harnessing the power of Blockchain innovation.