VouchForMe November AMA Recap

VouchForMe blog
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2018

This week we’ve welcomed this season’s first snow and held the first semi-winter Ask-Me-Anything session. It is great to see more interesting and relevant questions coming in. In case you’ve been already enjoying autumn/winter somewhere outside and missed the November Reddit edition, here is the recap. The next one will be on again in December!

Q: You are testing the beta platform until 21st Nov. Could you tell us the approx date (for instance, Q2 2019) when you are planning to go live with its real use?
A: After finishing the testing period, the product team will fix the last bugs, and before year-end, we plan to go live.

Q: I think endorsers who choose to receive IPL should have more advantages over fiat users. If not so, endorsers unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies would avoid getting IPL, only to use fiat in all transactions. To increase and keep the value of the token, IPL users should be treated better. What do you think about that?
A: We completely agree. However, smooth introduction and product adoption are our main priorities. At the moment, the adoption of crypto on the mass levels is still in early stages, and we need to direct our efforts to the promotion of the IPL tokens too.

Q: Will there be any testing report for us testers or whole public?
A: We plan to compile the FAQ document and share the main findings with the public.

Q: When will you reveal names and number of insurance companies onboard?
A: We are developing our product in two directions. One in cooperation with business partners (insurance companies), and the second as a stand-alone that doesn’t require third-party business partners for end customers to use the VouchForMe concept (see the interview with Matt). The names of the companies that want to include the VouchForMe into their product portfolio can and will be announced when the projects are live.

Q: Did you get maybe some partnerships in Las Vegas?
A: We have established connections with the market influencers, and we are leading the conversations on potential partnerships further.

Q: How big is the VouchForMe team and how many programmers do you have?
A: At the moment the team has 15 team members, out of which 5 are developers.

Q: Do you consume enough vitamins and minerals in your diet? We need the team to stay healthy. The flu season is right around the corner.
A: Thank you for being so thoughtful! We are making sure viruses don’t catch us. There are plenty of vitamins on our desks.

Q: What is your actual roadmap?
A: Our development roadmap is the same as stated on our web page. In parallel, we are working on business partnerships and developing the product.

Q: How many current test users do you have?
A: Currently, there are 92 testers onboard. If you still want to join, don’t wait too long.



VouchForMe blog

Vouchforme is a next generation of peer-to-peer insurance based on social proof endorsements, fully harnessing the power of Blockchain innovation.