VouchForMe User Experience 2# Sarah’s Story

VouchForMe blog
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2019

Meet Sarah, she’s a young graphic designer with a promising career. Last year she landed a job at a large marketing agency. She loves her work and the pay is great. She’s always wanted a brand new car and thanks to her job, she can finally afford one. She finds the car she wants, but since she’s still a young driver, the insurance premium is far higher than she hoped for. So, she takes a high deductible of €1200, in exchange for a 20% discount on her premium. She’s got the job she wants, and a shiny new car. Life is good…..

Or at least it was. Half a year later Sarah is struggling. The marketing agency closed down, and for the first time in her life, she’s unemployed. With no money coming in she’s struggling to pay her bills. Worried about losing the car, she contacts everyone she can, offering her services as a graphic designer.

For the first month, she networks continuously and has a lot of meetings, but few paid projects. She pushes on and as she starts to build up a client base, realizes she prefers the freedom of freelancing to working for an employer. Determined to make it work, she goes through her outgoings and makes cuts where she can, cutting up her credit cards and canceling her subscriptions. While doing this, she looks again at her insurance premium, she’s happy with the cost, but she sees the €1200 deductible, and it scares her. The risk seemed acceptable when she had a stable job, but without that security, she feels the risk is now too high. Especially since she’s driving a lot more, meeting clients across the county. She’s not sure what to do.

She’s talking with her friend Peter, and he reminds her about VouchForMe, and how he used it to cut his premium by sharing the risk of his high deductible with friends and family. Sarah decides to try it out.

Her family wants to support her, and help her grow her business, so over the next two weeks, she manages to collect guarantees for a total of €1000 leaving her only liable for €200 in the event of a claim. She’s overwhelmed by the trust her friends and family have shown for her, and promises them she’ll be a careful driver.

Thanks to their trust Sarah starts being careful on the road, grateful that she can devote her attention to growing her business, rather than worrying about money.

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VouchForMe blog

Vouchforme is a next generation of peer-to-peer insurance based on social proof endorsements, fully harnessing the power of Blockchain innovation.