Welcome to VoxEurop+,

VoxEurop Plus
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2015

a new place for conversation about Europe

Since it took over the inheritance of Presseurop, in May 2014, VoxEurop has tried to stir up a discussion between readers on European issues that matter, in different languages.

But its limited means — VoxEurop is a nonprofit organisation runned by a team of volunteer editors and translators — prevent it (at least for the time being) from publishing a more diverse content, like, say, long format stories, animated infographics, picture galleries, data journalism or videos.

Following the idea behind VoxEurop — translating and talking about stories on European issues and getting readers to engage — we wanted to create a new place for conversation about Europe. We seized the opportunity offered by Medium to set up a publication for content that does not fit on VoxEurop.

So please welcome VoxEurop+. We take advantage of Medium’s outstanding layout and collaborative environment to extend the reach of the most valuable stories — one more step in contributing to the emergence of a truly European public space. Something we believe Europe badly needs these days.



VoxEurop Plus

Formerly Presseurop. A nonprofit European multilingual news and debate outlet. The talk of the continent, you might say.