Chapter 2: The Arrival

Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2022


It is now in 2410 that we find ourselves.

Humanity has settled down very quickly thanks to the technological advances, the knowledge of the engineering teams and the inventions of the greatest scientists. Despite the uncharted terrain, unknown materials and a new land, humans succeeded in doing what no one had done before, conquering a new planet: V-Earth.

After years of construction, a city was born with an ecosystem and a new economy. This city was called Pacifea in homage to what happened before.

During these years of settlement, the city has continued to grow. The population tripled at an incredible rate in order to avoid the extinction of the human race. Nevertheless, many surprises occurred.

As the researchers explored the city’s surroundings, they discovered a phenomenally powerful mineral. Able to deliver enough energy to power an entire city with only a few grams, the scientists searched further and eventually declared that huge deposits lay beneath Pacifea. This ore was called Stalium.

The Stalium mine.

The humans decided to change their plan. Instead of building a city, they decided to :

  • To build 7 districts
  • To drill in order to exploit the deposits
  • To develop a force field to protect themselves
Pacifea and the force field.

The 7 districts had then each one a dedicated role:

  • Agriculture
  • Science
  • Defense
  • Production
  • Energy
  • Exploitation
  • The City
The City of Pacifea.

Nevertheless, seeing a very fast evolution of the things and in order not to reproduce the past errors, a Political Council was elected with at its head, the general Zoltar. Moreover, an administration dedicated to research was created and directed by Dr. Bell.

Zoltar decided to create an 8th district, where the decisions would be taken, a place privileged by the Council, a place which would allow Zoltar to have a vision on the whole of Pacifea, the Flying Island.

The Flying Island.

And it was hand in hand that Dr. Bell and Zoltar focused on creating a different world based on research, science and well-being. Human technology and knowledge allowed for rapid economic development with minimal interference with the surrounding biodiversity. The population evolved, adapted and grew little by little giving birth to special children.

The Flying island above the deposit.

During this time, researchers continued to learn about the Voxmon and several discoveries were made over the years in the temple of Nammu, including a major one: The Relic.

This artifact, considered intelligent by scientists, is the center of much discussion but is still misunderstood. Surrounded by figurative writing, the Relic is supposed to possess all the knowledge of this world according to Dr. Bell who managed to translate some of the engravings.

Nevertheless, it is after a few years that a strange thing began to intrigue the scientists.

The Voxmons began to mix more and more with humans, crossing the force field, intruding in the city and creating links with some children born on V-Earth. Peaceful by nature, these beings posed no danger, but it was deemed necessary to understand how such a situation came about.

In order to better understand, the Pacifea Council empowered the National Science and Research Administration (NSRA) and passed a notion to allow scientific research.

The purpose of the research was to understand why the Voxmons were attracted to these children, and the researchers decided to focus on this subject for several years in order to avoid making any false conclusions.

But the discoveries will surprise everyone…

Thank you for reading.

Chapter 1: The Exodus.

Chapter 2: The Arrival.

Next chapter coming: The V-Agent.

