VB17 short-view: George Mandis

Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.
1 min readSep 2, 2017

George is a freelance web developer who spent a year living like a digital nomad.

1/ What did you want to be when you grew up?

Think this changed every week for me! I can remember wanting to be a cartoonist, an artist, a writer and a game designer at different points in my childhood. I think the consistent thread was that I always wanted to be someone that “made” something.

2/ What is your spirit animal and why?

Elephants. Despite just saying I wanted to be a cartoonist and an artist when I was young, I was never great at lifelike drawing, but for some reason I was okay at drawing elephants from memory.

3/ Who is your tech hero?

Someone between my uncle who writes science books and has sold science toys online since the late 90s & Maciej Ceglowski of Pinboard, because he just gets it.

4/ Why should people come to your talk at VDB17? Give us a punch line :)

You should come see it because the talk is more like 35% talking, 65% goofy magic show! :-D



Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.

Brought to you by @Heap_space | Tech conference | 19 - 20 October 2017 Belexpocenter | Tickets: http://bit.ly/VDB17Tickets