VB17 short-view: Ivan Jovanović

Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.
2 min readSep 18, 2017

1/ What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a doctor. Wanted to do something that will help people and make them healthier. Right now, I am doing something similar, I am working in a healthcare startup and I am building software that should help people leave healthier.

2/ What is your spirit animal and why?

If I can choose an insect too, I’d select a bee. People say that I am always busy, I am doing something all the time, like a bee. One thing I like about bees is that they make something that everyone loves, honey. I love to make stuff that people love and that they can use anytime.

3/ Who is your tech hero?

My tech hero is a Steve Jobs. I love his ideas and his view of the world. He was unique, he changed the world, changed how we think about technology and made awesome things. I love to read his interviews, watch his presentations, he was really inspiring!

4/ Why should people come to your talk at VDB17? Give us a punch line :)

I am going to talk about something relatively new, reactive programming and how you can use reactive programming paradigm in most used language today, JavaScript. The talk should be interesting and you’ll learn something that you can immediately use on your projects.



Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.

Brought to you by @Heap_space | Tech conference | 19 - 20 October 2017 Belexpocenter | Tickets: http://bit.ly/VDB17Tickets