VB17 short-view: Lidan Hifi

Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.
2 min readSep 28, 2017


1/ What did you want to be when you grew up?

From the moment I got my first computer (Intel 80386) I knew that anything I do when I grow up will be related to computers.

A couple of years later at the age of 9, I took an “intro to programming” course and I discovered how to create anything I want, by writing some lines of code. That was the moment, I knew I wanted to be a programmer.

Nowadays it changes on a weekly basis, I’m interested in product management as well as in design, so I know that I want to be someone that “changes” something, no matter what it requires me to do.

2/ What is your spirit animal and why?

My spirit animal is a cat. Being inspired by its spirit, I tackle issues with patience and confidence, while trying to remain quiet, observing and then acting when the time is right in order to reach my goal.

Like a cat, I’m very curious and I always love exploring new environments, finding new things to learn and challenging myself.

In addition, my desire to do multiple things (programming in different environments, design, product management) yet doing them as part of a team, is like the cat’s balance between fierce independence and more social moments.

3/ Who is your tech hero?

My tech hero is Elon Musk, because I admire his entrepreneurial spirit, his innovation and the way he takes big ideas that sound impossible or insane and makes them practical. Elon is a great leader, and the way he gets people to follow him is amazing.

I think what really makes him unique though, is that he realizes the odds of failure, but proceeds anyway. I believe it is the key to success in every aspect in our life.

4/ Why should people come to your talk at VDB17? Give us a punch line :)

If you’re looking for a different way to store your data that supports large scale, flexible schema, time travel and more, join my talk where you’ll learn how to model your data using event-sourcing and CQRS patterns.

I will cover these concepts through a real life example — a large-scale app for invoice management we built at Wix and it’s going to be awesome!



Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.

Brought to you by @Heap_space | Tech conference | 19 - 20 October 2017 Belexpocenter | Tickets: http://bit.ly/VDB17Tickets