VB17 short-view: Mark Heckler

Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.
2 min readSep 3, 2017

Curiosity and persistence are his greatest strengths, thus his spirit animal is a beaver — Mark Heckler.

1/ What did you want to be when you grew up?

From the first moment I laid hands on a computer keyboard — and probably before, truthfully! — I wanted to be a programmer. This was long before I knew what a developer advocate was, and maybe before the role even existed. But it combines the two things I love to do most: write code and talk about writing code!

2/ What is your spirit animal and why?

I think my spirit animal would be a beaver. I’ve always felt my greatest strengths were curiosity and persistence. I enjoy hard work, especially when learning and growing, and I find it incredibly fulfilling to solve seemingly intractable problems. Tall trees and wide rivers don’t stop a beaver, why should thorny technical challenges stop us?

I’ve always loved this quote by former US President Calvin Coolidge (1923–1929):

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

I think Calvin Coolidge’s spirit animal was a beaver, too. :)

3/ Who is your tech hero?

I have so many for various reasons that it’s impossible to name them all. But two emerge from the pack, for vastly different reasons.

First, I’ve always admired Steve Jobs’ drive and dedication to putting a “dent in the universe”. Whatever our contribution, small or large, the world (or universe) should be poorer for it were we not to make it. Steve Jobs was a complicated individual, and his undisputed mistreatment of others is far from admirable…but his drive is aspirational.

My second “hero among heros” would be Dr. Venkat Subramaniam, for several reasons. I hope I don’t embarrass him by saying this, but I’ve always admired his intelligence, hard work (another whose spirit animal is a beaver, perhaps?), and his thoughtfulness. I’m sure he must get angry at something — what human being doesn’t? — but his genuine kindness and desire to help others grow in their knowledge is beyond admirable. Venkat is what the tech community could, and should, be.

There are many, many others I admire. But we’ll leave it at that. :)

4/ Why should people come to your talk at VDB17? Give us a punch line :)

Because Project Reactor & Spring 5 bring the most amazing capabilities! Out with blocking, in with scaling. All roads lead to reactive streams, hope to see you there!



Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.

Brought to you by @Heap_space | Tech conference | 19 - 20 October 2017 Belexpocenter | Tickets: http://bit.ly/VDB17Tickets