VB17 short-view: Vladimir Dejanović

Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.
2 min readOct 9, 2017


1/ What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was young I wanted to become a Chef. I always liked food and sweets (cake, candy and similar). This love for food and sweets never left me, and I still enjoy making food for my family and friends. Also, I still keep in the back of my mind idea of owning a restaurant at one point in the future.

2/ What is your spirit animal and why?

Tiger according to some online tests :) If I would have to choose animal it would probably be Shark or Wolf. They always impressed and intrigued me.

Also, I was always drawn to the water and depths of Ocean, and let’s be honest IT is like a Shark, if you stop you will die.

3/ Who is your tech hero?

Richard Stallman, the man without who IT world today would be much different, sadder and darker place.

Amount of time and energy that he put into the right cause is beyond respect and gratefulness.

Without him, there wouldn’t be Free Software and Emacs, the best editor in the world ;)

4/ Why should people come to your talk at VDB17? Give us a punch line :)

Because it is Awesome and they should :D

There will be laughs and WAT moments. I will share real tricks of the trade and give insight into things not a lot of people were exposed to and left able to tell the tale.

This is talk for all daredevils in IT.



Voxxed Days Belgrade
Voxxed Days Belgrade 2017.

Brought to you by @Heap_space | Tech conference | 19 - 20 October 2017 Belexpocenter | Tickets: http://bit.ly/VDB17Tickets