Less stress, more VAT refunds for you and your clients

Sean Winter
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2019


The problem: You arrive at an SME customer to conduct your annual VAT audit and unfortunately find very few hotel invoices, in non-compliant format of course! There are also some travel agent invoices with zero VAT and a number of missing invoices when you cross check credit card statements. Does this sound all too familiar?

Did you know? 9 out of 10 hotel invoices are not VAT complaint! In other words, you and your clients are losing out on VAT refunds and most VAT providers do not even realise the extent of this problem when conducting annual audits.

The solution: Voyya, a VAT compliant, online hotel booking solution, solves all non-compliancy problems by allowing your clients to book on their favorite platforms such as Booking.com and Hotels.com WHILE guaranteeing a VAT compliant invoice with every booking. The results in a significant increase in VAT refunds, happier clients and a healthier VAT commissions stream.

Voyya currently works with over 25 VAT Providers in the EU and pays Partners a revenue share (equivalent to a 20% success fee on VAT amounts) for every potential VAT reclaimable booking.

Let us show you how……

Your client based in Germany, books a business trip to London on Voyya with hotel bookings totalling EUR 10 000 (VAT inclusive) and a VAT amount of EUR 1 667.

Voyya will pay you 20%*EUR 1 667 = EUR 333 within 60 days of checkout!

So, you will earn double the VAT (assuming your average success fee is 20%) and will be paid your Voyya revenue on average 12 months prior to receiving the VAT refunds, on the same invoices, from the TAX Authorities.

Voyya is changing the way VAT providers add value to their SME clientele, please contact sean@voyya.com to setup a 15 minute call to discuss in more detail.

