Batched Book Reviews Archive #8

From 01.01.2023–07.02.2023

Voytek Pituła
VP of Books
3 min readDec 3, 2023


The Batched Books Reviews Archive is a collection of my usual book reviews, but they cover books I read before I really started putting effort into writing those reviews. I’ve gone back and adjusted them to match my current review style, but they are usually not that good.


  • Staff Engineer (4/4) — A truly insightful read. Highly recommended for anyone who wonders what lies beyond the senior engineer role. Also a good read for any engineering manager.
  • How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen (4-/4) — As a father of a 1-year-old and a 2-year-old, it was a very valuable read. I’m not sure how easy it will be to apply the advice in practice, but let’s see. Also, many of the practices apply to adults as well.
  • The Culture Map (4/4)— A very interesting position. It goes through various cultures and positions them on ~5 axes (e.g. approach to hierarchy, approach to feedback). My main takeaway: if you think you’re a decent communicator, this book brings you back to the drawing board as you realize a big chunk of employed strategies are culture-dependent.
  • Effortless (3-/4) — It’s not bad, but it’s neither innovative nor particularly well written. If you have read anything even slightly similar, it’s not worth your time.
  • When Einstein Walked with Gödel (3/4) — A series of essays about math, mostly interesting stories about mathematicians or popular problems. I liked it a lot.
  • How To (4/4) — Probably the funniest book I have ever read. If you like absurd humor and science, then this is a must-read.
  • When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing (3+/4) — I like this one quite a lot. Heavily based on data and research. Tries to share some insights about timing based on (mainly) physiology and psychology. Light, interesting, short, useful.
  • Make It Stick (3-/4)— Decent book about learning and memory, but I didn’t get as much from it as I expected. Which, in hindsight, is not surprising — I no longer learn things by heart these days. Well-written, quite interesting, but most useful for learners (kids, students) and teachers.
  • Born a Crime (4-/4)— Tales about a teenager in South Africa during apartheid. Very well written, quite funny, and interesting. Turns out I accidentally reread this one (not sure how it happened), and it was still fun but probably not the best use of my time. Definitely recommended to read once. 🙂


  • Iron Prince (3/4) — Progression fantasy, but this time in a sci-fi environment. Nothing spectacular, but decent and fresh.
  • Year One (3-/4) — Post-apo where the virus either kills people or gives them magic abilities. It’s a nice twist, and objectively it’s a good book, I think, but for some reason, it didn’t click for me. Won’t go for vol 2.
  • Posthumous Education (3+/4) — Great continuation of “Fred, the Vampire Accountant” series (Vol 1–4-/4 in BBRA#5). Entertaining as always.
  • Phoebe’s Tale: From His Shadow (3-/4)— Dresden Files vibe, well-written (I liked the diary narration), but I still had to force myself to go through the first half. Then it got a bit better. Not good enough for me to continue with this spinoff series, but I got interested in the main one (Nightlord).
  • Gideon the Ninth (3-/4)— Necromancers in a sci-fi environment? There is potential in this, isn’t there? But, this potential was totally lost for me. I managed to finish the book only through strength of will. No decent world building, no interesting plot, no interesting characters. Can’t recommend.



Voytek Pituła
VP of Books

Generalist. An absolute expert in faking expertise. Claimant to the title of The Laziest Person in Existence. Staff Engineer @ SwissBorg.