My first 9 months as lead of a development team at vente-privee

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4 min readSep 26, 2018

Valerio Gheri leads a development team at vente-privee, working on critical applications used daily to power some of the core business workflow at vente-privee. His work is about keeping the team happy while getting stuff (that matters) done.

Last January, vente-privee granted me with the opportunity to lead the development team I was already working in as an individual contributor.
This was a first time for me, and if I look back at these past months I can think of a few important lessons and principles that proved to be really valuable and likely worthy of sharing with the community.


In my opinion this is the most important one, which enables many of the following points.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with responsibilities, tasks or meetings, and the key to come out of this mess is focus.
Being able to identify important matters and focusing efforts on them is key to produce value for stakeholders and to motivate the team.
In the end, starting and finishing something (might be a milestone, an MVP etc…) is far better than starting several endeavours and not even completing one.

Know the scope and master the perimeter

Knowing the reason we do something is important, but it’s not enough. When designing a system, I found out it is quite important to understand how the system will be used by your upstream clients and which workloads might prove difficult to support: an example might be concurrent updates of a single entity where the cost of a single update is high.
This might prove difficult to generalise, but for line of business applications, it should be feasible.
About this point, I like to quote the [Hyrum’s Law](
>With a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody.

Ignoring this point might have a huge negative impact on the success of the project.

Quick iterations

{Understand the requirement, code, test, deploy, observe} loop.
Strong requirements are
- having a reliable CI/CD that everyone in the team knows how to operate
- a versioning system and a changelog that allow everyone in the team to easily communicate changes to the upstreams
- an observation system (i.e. Prometheus+Grafana and/or ElasticSearch+Kibana) that is capable of clearly reporting how well the product is behaving based on expectations, and alert if issues arise

Do it, do it right, do it better

Also known as `make it work, make it right, make it better`, this approach really shines if coupled with quick iterations.
It encourages to tackle risks from step one, to prove things are feasible and while focusing on solving the problem at hand, also avoids over-engineering the code base by adding premature abstractions which would only slow-down the development cycle for no obvious value.
About the differences amongst the steps, the `do it` phase focuses solely on having something that works and solves the problem, the `do it right` might focus on adding all those features necessary to ship to production, such as having logs and metrics or a clean interface. The last phase, `do it better`, can leverage production feedback to optimise some parts of the code base which proved slow, adapt the interface etc…

Establish rules early on

One thing I learned the hard way is that what might be obvious to you might not be so for someone else.
That’s why I think establishing a set of rules early on can help clearly communicate which culture should be favoured.

A few examples of rules are I used (or really should have used):
- Communication
— Be kind (see
— Do not interrupt
— Before changing subject, be sure that everyone has said all they wish to say: some people are more shy than others and won’t raise their hand to speak
— Run periodic 1:1 with people in the team: I’ve been quite surprised by the power of this tool and if done well, it’s possible to learn a lot about the people you work with. A lot depends on the people as well, and a lot has to do with trust.

- Quality of work
— Help establish what quality means for the team and for the stakeholders. If needed, help write a quality document so that the whole team knows what’s the expected code quality and things such as code reviews can be factual with comments referring to the document.
— Favour code readability and maintainability when in doubt

- Holidays
— To facilitate holiday planning, state what’s the minimum number of people that should be present at any time in case of overlapping days off
- Operational rules
— Less is more: avoid infrastructure or architecture complexity unless necessary, design to favour operational and troubleshooting simplicity
— Favour production stability above all else
— Logging, monitoring and alerting are pre-requirements to go to production
- Promote a knowledge sharing culture amongst the team. Allow free time to keep up to date with latest news in tech, to build proof-of-concept software and to create a feedback loop to share things learned with the team.


I can’t thank enough my team and the people I worked with, for having thought me many of those principles and rules: we learn by failing and by understanding why we failed, and sometimes by adopting wise advices :)

Author: Valerio Gheri




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