Learning phase of agile project — One Mobile Virtual Experience

Marek Kulkovský
VR Atelier
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2017

Have you heard about the new car called Karoq? Now you can look at it in your daydream or on cardboard. Since I am a huge fan of agile development, I would like to know what you think about this mobile VR experience. Just download the app and enjoy the presentation of a new car in mobile virtual reality.

Every developer and designer is excited when their work goes into the world. It is the awaited opportunity to gather a lot more feedback and data regarding your work. It is a natural way how to build and improve on an app in a way that works better for its intended customers.

The app is currently available for iOS and Android

It is hard to bring any app to life, but it is sometimes even harder to think of it as a Minimal Viable Product and question it from the core. To keep the image of MVP the whole time, relying not only on your intuition but on data as well is the hardest part of this work.

Modesty and ability to truly listen to your users is the best way to design better apps.

Then there is the day you publish the app into the stores, and your project starts again. The design and development of the app could have begun months ago, but when the app is first released is the moment when you are going to check if your initial ideas are valid and your product will captivate the audience you intended.

Why VR projects need an agile mindset

I believe that human-centered framework gives you all methodology and attitude you need to design VR experiences. Agile development then is the necessary playground to create such apps. It is essential because you are continuously addressing health issues. Therefore, traditional waterfall development is not suitable for VR projects, and you should avoid it as much you can.

VR projects are fast. While you are working on a concept of the app, your developers are working on the first prototype, allowing you to organise a first tests with your customers in one or two weeks from the start of the project. And that is a conservative time estimate.

Our first opportunity to present The Karoq app to a broader audience was at the automobile fare in Frankfurt. The fact that you can easily share mobile VR allowed us to deliver a flexible presentation to customers.

Your feedback matters

Now it is time for another round. Thank you in advance if you find an opportunity to send us feedback. Just send me an email to marek.kulkovsky@etnetera.cz 😊

Your feedback, together with the data from unity analytics will help us to make changes to create a better experience. 🧐



Marek Kulkovský
VR Atelier

UX designer and product manager at Virtuplex. Currently focusing on the potential of Virtual Reality in B2B.