Remember: Narrative Storytelling

Georgy Molodtsov
Published in
1 min readSep 23, 2016

Fiction, 3 min 20 sec, dir. George Kacevski, The Pulse VR

REMEMBER is a VR sci-fi short film exploring our relationship with technology and its influence on our reality. Launched originally on the JAUNT VR platform, it is currently being developed into a VR series for international distribution.

Actually, this piece is something you’d be happy to watch further, so VR series is definitely a good idea for this concept.

You can find more about the work on their web-site —



Georgy Molodtsov

XR Director @VRROOM (Oxymore), VR Festival Curator (goEast, VR_SciFest, Tbilisi VR Days), Founder @ Film XR (Raindance winning "MormoVerse" etc)