VRBTM Stepping Back | Week VII

Wes Jones
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2016

Nick and I took a weekend off from work and met up just to hang out.

Not actually us — Unsplash

Not sure what this is, start here with our README, or catch up on last week, VRBTM User Interface Exploration | WK VI.

Last weekend it was clear that after six solid weeks of work we needed to step back and take a weekend off. There comes a time when you need to recalibrate and this was it for us. We each did some work a couple nights during the week leading up to this weekend, but on Friday I told Nick I didn’t expect him to be doing any work this weekend. If he ended up feeling like it, that was up to him. More importantly I wanted us to get together just to hang out and not worry about what deliverables we owed each other.

Which is what we did Saturday night and of course we inevitably did talk a bit of business but not in the day-to-day way we’ve been going about it until now. No, we talked about what it’s like having to balance a 9–5 job, friends, relationships, this project, going to the gym and cooking for yourself and our shared affinity for the nuances of cast iron skillets. We talked about the goals we once had, the ones we’ve realized, and what that means to us now going forward. We talked about this project and how it’s evolved and what we want to see it grow into and what things we’re each concerned about and knowing there will come a time when bigger decisions will have to be made. We talked about everything and pretty much nothing, and in that, I think realized how far we’ve come and know there is a long way to go.

We’ll be back next week building towards our November 20th Phase I release date.

We’d love to hear from you…
Get in touch at Founders@vrbtm.co, talk with us on twitter @vrbtm.co, and read our story on medium.

Wes Jones is on Twitter @WesJonesCo
Nick Dandakis is on Twitter @Dandakis

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