Introducing the VRChat Learning Channel!

Published in
1 min readNov 30, 2021


We want to make it as easy as possible for people of all skill levels to upload content to VRChat! To that end, we’re launching our own, official series of video tutorials designed to help creators learn how to build their own content for VRChat. You can find the channel here.

These videos are designed to get you all the info you need as quickly as possible while still being easy to digest.

To start off, we’re launching the channel with a beginner video series teaching you how to upload your first avatar.

In this first series, no prior knowledge is needed!

Nice to meet you! I’m Kung. Stay awhile and listen!

My name is Kung, and I’ll be your host as you learn the whole process. We’ll cover:

  • All the relevant terminology
  • Getting set up with Unity
  • Configuring your avatar with our SDK
  • Uploading to our servers
  • And using your new avatar with your friends!

Our plans for this channel are to expand learning materials initially for beginners and eventually to more advanced topics too. Take a look and if you have any feedback on the first series, the channel, or potential guides that you’d like to see, leave some feedback in our forum thread.

Check it out and let us know what you think!

