VRChat Plus is now Live!

Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2020


Last month, we introduced you to VRChat Plus, a way for you to support VRChat while getting some cool extra features in thanks. To keep it short and sweet, VRChat Plus is now Live on Steam!

VRChat Plus is now in the “Early Supporter” phase, which means that supporting VRChat+ will give you a special badge on your profile.

In addition, you’ll get bonus VRC+ time when signing up during our Early Supporter phase!

This bonus time is a one-time benefit during the Early Supporter phase. You will receive the +1 month or +3 months bonus once upon subscribing to VRChat Plus. You cannot receive both bonuses.

To sign up for VRChat Plus, simply log into VRChat on Steam, open your main menu, and click the “VRC+” button at the top. Click one of the purchase options, and you’re on your way to having some cool bonus features while helping support the continued development of VRChat!

To review, here’s what we’ve got for you in return for supporting VRChat:

  • Custom User Icons — We’ve got brand-new nameplates that everyone gets. With VRChat Plus, you can customize your nameplate with an icon you create! Take a picture in VRChat, or upload your own on the VRChat website. Save up to 64 icons to swap on the fly.
  • 100 Favorite Avatar Slots — Save an avatar for every situation with this massive amount of favorite slots, split out into 4 rows. Collect and organize! Everyone gets upgraded to 25 favorite avatars.
  • Supporter Badge — Show off your status as a VRChat+ Supporter with a badge on your profile.
  • Early Supporter Benefits — Get in on VRChat+ early, and your badge will permanently be upgraded to a “Early Supporter” version — and you’ll get some extra VRC+ time on us!
  • Increased Trust — You’re supporting us, so we’ll support you. Enjoy a little boost to your Trust level.
  • … and more on the way! — We’re actively developing many new features for VRChat Plus subscribers like enhanced invite messaging, UI skinning, and more.

To learn more about VRChat Plus, check out the new section on our website. We’ve also got a Frequently Asked Questions page regarding VRChat Plus.

For the moment, VRChat Plus is only available on Steam. We’re working towards supporting more platforms soon.

As always, thank you for your support! We’ll see you in VRChat!

