Predrag Popović
6 min readOct 21, 2017


Vojnik, the highest peak at 1.998 m.a.s.l.

The mountain Vojnik occupies an area of 138 km2, which makes approximately 1% of the Montenegrin territory; Its length is 17 km, and its width is up to 8 km. In the multitude of peaks that exceed the height of 1,500 m (48 of them in total), the southwestern part of the mountain where the highest peaks are grouped really stands out. In this area, the highest peak is — Vojnik 1,998 m.a.s.l, surrounded by Bezimeni vrh (1,967m), Gradni vrh (1,961 m), Bezimeni vrh (1.947m), Mramorje (1.920m), etc.

In the past, due to the need for exploitation of the forest, about 80 km of forest roads were built on the mountain. Many of them are useful for easier access to the peaks of Vojnik, however there is a marked trail which is recommended to be used for the ascent to the highest peak.

Beginning of the trail: 1.234 m.a.s.l (near the house of Vukotići)
End of trail: 1.998 m.a.s.l
Altitude difference: 764 m
Trail difficulty level: medium II
Trail length: 5 km
Climbing time: 3 h 30 min
Water on trail: present. There is water in Štirni do
Marking: present
Stamp box and registration book: present
Dangers on the trail: not any
Fitness requirement: medium
Optimal period for climbing: in spring and fall

Brief description of the trail:

The trail begins on the main road Nikšić — Jasenovo polje — Šavnik, near the house of Vukotići (5 km from the turning point to Savnik). Near the house there is an information board hung on the tree, which marks the beginning of the marked trail leading to the top of the mountain Vojnik. The trail goes to the left from the house of Vukotici and initially passes through a thin beech forest next to the enclosures for animals, auxiliary facilities and fields and continues across the meadow of Vukotići. The trail then leads further through the oak and beech forest turning into the forest trail in certain areas, goes across clearings and meadows until it reaches Vioc Do, a large meadow, about a hundred meters long.

At the beginning of the Vioc Do there is a mark on the stone indicating right towards Mramor and peak Gradski and left towards Vojnik. You will, of course, continue left along the edge of the Vioč do through the thin woods, leaving Vioč on your right. After passing Vioč do you will come across a forest path (there are many of them all over Vojnik mountain). Follow the marking and keep moving to the left (in case you go to the right along the forest trail you will reach cottages in Vioč do, below Mramorje). In this way, with a mild climb, through the low forest and partly through the forest path and shortcuts, you will reach Štirni do, a spacious valley below the peak of Vojnik. The beauty of Stirni do is breathtaking. The peak of Vojnik is not visible from here, but the direction of further movement is clearly evident. Otherwise, Štirni do is an active hut (katun) still used by several families in summer. There is a rainwater tank where you can take your water supplies. It is also possible to reach Štirni do using a field vehicle.

You have to walk around Stirni do on the right arriving to the beginning of the steep part of the trail. Continue straight uphill partly through the thin woods and you will reach to a fold that descends from the peak just above the Štirni do. From this fold passing straight uphill, partly by the top ridge and partly by the grassy rocky hills and valleys to the left of it, from the direction of the Štirni do, you will get to the peak.

The highest peak is grassy and spacious. It is marked with a concrete cube-shaped pyramid.

Here you will enjoy an amazing view on Bezimeni vrh, Gradski vrh, Mramor and Mali Vojnik, as well as Durmitor, Bioč, Maglić, Volujak, Glacier, Golija, Njegoš, Somina, Orjen, Lovćen, Nikšić, Rumija, Prekornica, etc.

Tour attractiveness rate (1–5): 5

3D Google map of the access road is not needed. The trail begins from the main road Nikšić — Jasenovo Polje — Šavnik, 5 km from the crossroad in Jasenovo Polje towards Šavnik, i.e. after Vojnik tunnel

3D Google map of the trail

The view on Vojnik from the road Nikšić — Jasenovo Polje

The trail begins near the house of Vukotići

This is the trail which leads from the house of Vukotići up to Vioc valley. The same trail is used to climb to the peak Gradni as well as Mramorje (see the description)

Here is a mild ascent throughout the woods and woodland trails from Vioc valley. Follow the marks

The view on the peak Gradni and Mramorje from the entrance to Štirni do and access trail leading to Stirni do

Štirni do and the highest peak of Vojnik above it. Cottages and rainwater tank located in Štirni do

The area from Štirni do to the highest peak

The view from Mramorje on the highest peak of Vojnik as well as on the trail

Below the highest peak

The pyramid located on the peak, box with registration book and stamp

The view from the highest peak of Vojnik to Gradni vrh and Mramorje, Durmitor, Maglić, Bioč, Volujak , Krnovo and surrounding mountains

