Branching Video Analytics

Mayur Chaudhari
Vrtigo Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2017

We talked about partially interactive videos in Analytics for VR Interactions where we introduced non-linear, interactive videos as “branching 360 videos.” Examples of videos like these include the VR thriller GONE and the upcoming comedy series Door №1.

With the power of choice in the hands of users, content creators want to see what interactions users perform. In particular, they are interested in knowing:

  • What sequences of interactions do users take when watching the video?
  • How do users end up at a particular scene?
  • What proportion of users “complete” the video by reaching a terminal state?
  • How do first time viewers differ from recurring viewers in terms of the paths they take through the video?

To help answer these questions, we’ve created tools that let content creators visualize the different paths users can take through the video.

Interactive flow chart showing different pathways users can take
Sunburst chart showing all user flows through the video

Using the flow chart, we can see what interactions users took and how they reached a particular scene. At every possible interactive point (nodes in the graph), we can quickly identify the most popular choice made. The sunburst shows a flattened version of all these flows so we can see all the paths that lead viewers to reach a scene. If any one of the scene(s) is a terminal one, we can quickly identify what proportion of users complete the video.

In addition to retention and flow analysis, our interactive metrics also measure how long users take to make a decision so content creators can test different types of interactive behaviors. We also provide heatmaps for interactive videos so creators can understand where viewers are looking and where their attention is focused.

To try this on your videos, please get in touch!

Vrtigo is the next generation VR analytics platform for content creators, editors, producers, and marketers.

