Scene Cuts & Field Of View in VR

Mayur Chaudhari
Vrtigo Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2017

In the past we’ve analyzed if viewers utilize the entire 3D space when viewing videos. We’ve also commented on the impact scene cuts have on popularity and user engagement. Now, content creators can visualize an audience’s field of view (FOV) and scene cuts.


FOV variation over time

Using FOV, creators can see precisely which angles viewers are looking at in every frame. While a video may have concentrated attention within a narrow band of angles on average (low average FOV), there may be certain scenes that elicit head turns.

This metric allows filmmakers to answer questions such as:

  • Does a particular scene cause people to look around more?
  • Is most of the viewer attention concentrated within a 60° band?
  • Do people explore more along the horizontal or vertical axis?

Scene Cuts

Vrtigo automatically detects scene changes in 360 videos ranging from fade to black cuts to hard cuts. This information is overlaid on the retention and focus graphs.

Scene cuts (dashed lines) overlaid on top of retention and audience focus curves

With this, creators can answer questions like:

  • Do certain types scene cuts affect user retention?
  • Are too many scene cuts bad for completion rates?
  • Are scene cuts effective in changing audience focus?

These are just two more tools content creators can use to optimize and improve their videos by observing how audiences react to different creative choices. Our long term goal is to develop a suite of such tools that allow both high-level and more detailed analysis of viewing patterns and engagement.

Vrtigo is the next generation VR analytics platform for content creators, editors, producers, and marketers.

