VRT World's roadshow bears fruits

Ivan Zaytsev
Company VRT
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2018

VRT has taken its VRT World project on the road over the past month, traveling internationally to nearly a dozen countries. VRT World project has been presented in the United Arab Emirates, India, Switzerland, France, and in just the last two weeks, in Japan, China and Korea.

Konstantin Negachev spoke at the main Korean event Blockchain Innovation Technology in Seoul. His speech was received with great interest, there were a lot of questions from the participants, the project was adopted at a high level. The opportunity to play our VR game aroused everyone’s enthusiasm: a queue quickly gathered around the stand.

“We are very grateful to our Korean partners, BlockBank and Linker Coin, for their support in organizing a delightful conference — Blockchain Tomorrow — where we received a lot of positive attention and many pleasant reviews about our project,” said Konstantin Negachev, CEO and co-founder of VRT World. “We met with the Korean audience, many of which took an active part in our project right after the event!”

Few words about Linker Coin: The “Linker” is a collection of the systems which facilitate the inter-transaction between Linker Coin and various economic networks built on crypto-currency market, financial market, e-commerce market, etc.​

Konstantin Negachev (CEO VRT World) and Harold Kim (Head of Business Development ASIA, CryptoCompare)

Konstantin also held a meeting with our partner, Harold Kim. Harold is a financial expert who was also part of NagaCoin and INS project. A crypto investor, and the founder & CEO of cryptocurrency data analysis firm Joajoa Networks based in Seoul, Korea. He has 8+ years of experience with Hyundai Capital and HSBC. He is expert in foreign exchange, securities, and bonds trading and analysis. Harold took his experience in banking and now specializes in strategies for planning ICOs based on his researches and have successfully advised and negotiated for some of the biggest ICO projects to reach the targeted hard caps.

After the visit to Korea, VRT World CEO Konstantin Negachev went to China, where he held several successful meetings. His meeting with representatives of the AllInPlusVr company, which deals with VR development and owns numerous VR parks in China, allowed VRT to find common language and interaction points, leading to a partnership contract now in its final stage for the companies to create VR products and develop the VR franchise network of Z8 parks together.

Negachev said VRT had high expectations for the results of this blooming partnership:

“It is important to note that VRT World project attracts attention not only from enthusiastic blockchain users, but also from fans of VR technologies,” he said. “This is confirmed by our Asian colleagues who are very actively involved in the life of the VR market and clearly see the huge potential of this technology.”

