Introducing VRYNT

Oisin Lyons
4 min readFeb 8, 2022


Everything is about to change, come create your VRYNT.

NFT Market overview

The NFT space is exploding. New NFT collections are frequently raising millions of dollars with their creators’ lives being changed overnight.

Their market opportunity relative to representing the true value of community generated content is infinitely expansive.

Everything you know about the NFT market is about to change.

NFT’s as you know them today

Bored Apes

Bored Apes are a collection of 10,000 “Ape” cartoons created by Yuga Labs and have amassed over 1 billion dollars in trading volume in just 7 months. Much of the success of Bored Apes Yacht club can safely rest on the shoulders of some of the biggest celebrity names such as Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Curry and Post Malone to name a few.

NBA Topshots

NBA Top Shots, a venture from the NBA that began back in July 2019 proved that moments can be captured into a new form of digital collectible card. Much like baseball cards, now stats can be mixed with curated video directly from the game to make even more engaging, memorable and valuable collectibles. More important to understand is that NFT based Collectibles are entering mainstream brands.

Enter Social Influence

Social Influencer Mania

The era of social media & digital marketing has taken off and will continue to follow its upwards trajectory for the foreseeable future. These social influencers are creating viral videos whatever physical location life takes them, sharing their collective life experience, humour, intelligence, opinions and most of all their creativity. The reach of some Social Influencers can rival that of major brands, or popular TV shows, reaching millions of followers.

Social Influence Monetisation Challenges

Many social creators across platforms like TikTok, Youtube and Instagram have built up organic communities and provide them with content almost everyday. However, these platforms provide little revenue opportunities for these social creators and it is difficult for them to capitalise from the service they provide to their audiences. They turn to Managers or Management companies to book advertising deals and activities such as meet and greets to augment and maximise their income. The ecosystem is working, and Social Influencers are creating careers out of this amazing phenomena. There are some suboptimal areas though. Creating content takes a lot of time, traditional ad revenue is relatively conservative income, and booking sponsored marketing runs the risk of losing fan interest. Most importantly the community isn’t as engaged as they could be. They don’t really get to participate in the success of their influencer. This is the untapped opportunity.

The Evolution; The Change; The Meta: VRYNT

Introducing VRYNT, a platform designed to provide social influencers, brands and celebrities a new way of engaging with their audiences and sharing the growth with everyone.

VRYNT is an innovative and easy to use platform that enables social influencers to create bespoke NFT collections built and influenced by their communities. In VRYNT Social Influencers become Social Creators, they create Collections for their communities to participate in.

Communities and followers are incentivised to grow via a gamified, fun and engaging experience with significant value incentive opportunities at every stage of the process for all parties involved.

VRYNT opens the ability to create and monetise collections to EVERYONE.

How VRYNT can achieve this?

VRYNT achieves this through four important engines within the platform.


The e-Commerce engine powering the VRYNT ecosystem incentivises and drives engagement.

Users have the ability to purchase a pack of component cards from their preferred social creators collection. These card packs, much like Pokemon or other collectibles, vary in scarcity or availability.

Card packs are filled randomly with components that the community will use to create a VRYNT of the original image in a collection selected by the social influencer. As card packs become more scarce, they increase in price making it beneficial for audiences to take part early.

As card packs are purchased the proceeds are shared with the Social Creator that built the collection.

Artificial Intelligence

The VRYNT AI Engine enables the community to create their respective VRYNT. This is where the community takes part in the Social Creators collection. Each card in a component pack represents an AI based “Component”.

Each of these components can morph specific aspects of the social creators source image. As the community builder changes the components, they begin to create their own VRYNT or NFT inside the Social Creators Collection.

Community MarketPlace: VRYNT Gallery

Once the community member gathers the components, and creates their own VRYNT, they have the opportunity to offer their VRYNT to others in the Community Marketplace.

As VRYNT’s are sold and purchased proceeds are shared with previous owners and the social creator that built the collection.

Gallery Rewards

The Gallery Rewards engine incentivises Community Builders to leave their VRYNT’s in the VRYNT Gallery. While the Community Builder holds the VRYNT and keeps it in the VRYNT Gallery, it begins to collect Gallery Rewards. It can continue to accrue Gallery Rewards up to the original price that was paid for the components.

Whats Next ?

Stay plugged into our medium and discord for new announcements.

VRYNT is coming soon..

